Trinity Woods Named one of Senior Care’s Best Places to Work!

Trinity Woods was named as one of Senior Care’s Best Places to Work for 2024 under a new program from WeCare Connect – the industry leader in senior care surveys. We are excited to announce we have met the rigorous benchmarks that signal excellence in care.

“We are so excited to receive this distinction. We pride ourselves on not just serving Tulsa seniors but also the people who choose to work in this industry. We love our employees and couldn’t be prouder to be named Senior Care’s Best!” says Garrett Lee, Trinity Woods CEO.

Located in the heart of Tulsa, Oklahoma the Trinity Woods campus (formerly Oklahoma Methodist Manor) is 40 acres of scenic beauty, full of life, and great neighbors. This is a place where people come to live! We call it “neighborly” and that is probably an easier definition but being neighborly comes from being kind. We are kind to each other. We are kind to strangers. We serve in the spirit of Christ.

For more than 65 years, we have created a unique place where our kindness and faith are only matched by our love of this community. It is a place where the mind, body, and soul are nourished through fellowship. Through laughter. Through contentment. Through one another.

Why Senior Care’s Best?

For a long time, it has been difficult to measure and rank the qualitative benefits such as satisfaction and engagement that are critical to senior care. WeCare Connect uses the largest third-party survey data set in senior care from which to assess, certify and rank organizations as Senior Care’s Best. Look for certified organizations to find the most trusted and exceptional senior care providers around.

About WeCare Connect

WeCare Connect is the industry leader in senior care surveys. We enable senior care organizations to act on what their employees, patients and residents care about most, ultimately helping them increase retention, satisfaction and organizational stability. Senior Care’s Best from WeCare Connect acknowledges top-performing organizations for results that come to light through our robust survey methodology.

Trinity Woods Welcomes New Therapy Partner

Trinity Woods is excited to start a new partnership with Stein Therapy Services in November. Stein has a large presence in western Oklahoma and eastern Arkansas, serving more than 80 providers in those areas. Stein came highly recommended from multiple providers like Trinity Woods. The therapist will be providing physical, occupation and speech therapy for both inpatient and outpatient on the Trinity Woods campus.

Some of the new therapists came onsite to meet Trinity Woods team members and residents. “The new therapy team was very impressed with the facilities and can’t wait to start working with the residents.  We are eager to have them here and engaged in provided the high quality of care that we expect in all areas of the campus,” says Jacob Will, Vice President of Health Services. Stein Therapy Services officially takes over therapy services on November 1st.

Trinity Woods Online Logo Shop

We are excited to announce the Trinity Woods Logo Shop! Community members can now show their Trinity Woods spirit. The website will be live through Sunday, August 21. Items purchased will be ready for pick up at the September Town Hall, scheduled for September 9. For questions about ordering TW merchandise contact Heidi Garrett at 918.346.6671.

To access the website click here!

Affordable Senior Living Community Option!

This month we are featuring the most affordable senior living community option in Tulsa – Trinity Woods’ Felt House apartments. Located in the heart of Tulsa, Trinity Woods is 40 acres of scenic beauty, full of life, and great neighbors. Discover a sense of community like no other. Trinity Woods is a place to grow, connect and truly live. Right now we are offering an April Special. The Felt House offers 1 bedroom and bathroom, living room, and kitchen but you also receive three meals a day. For this month only the entry fee is $5,000 (based on the standard plan) and $2,745 in monthly expenses – don’t forget this includes meals, housekeeping and maintenance! And $5000 toward moving expenses! Contact us for more info.

Ways to Save Money

By Senior VP of Finance, Jim Ginther

In my line of work, people are always asking for finance tips…So here is my best advice –

Budgeting is helpful when it comes to cutting expenses. Budgets require you to track
spending and set reasonable expectations for how much you spend. Here are my “best
tips” for saving money.

to different insurance products like auto and home insurance, you can easily save money if
you shop around and compare insurance from other providers.

CONSOLIDATE CREDIT CARD DEBT – The average credit card interest rate is over
16%, which means you could be saving big if you consolidated your credit card debt with
a 0% APR credit card or a personal loan. Balance transfer credit cards let you avoid interest for up to 21 months.

SWITCH CELL PHONE PROVIDERS – How much are you paying for your cell phone? Chances are good you could be paying less if you are willing to switch providers.

PLAN SEVERAL “NO SPEND” DAYS PER WEEK – Did you know that spending $27.40 a day adds up to $10,000 a year? Small purchases can add up quickly. Plan a few “no spend” days each week or a couple of weeks each month.

FINAL BUDGETING TIP – The number one rule in budgeting is, do not go over budget.

Moments In Black History by Chaplain Weldon Tisdale

Annie Turnbo Malone

Annie Malone was born in 1869, in Metropolis, Illinois, to formerly enslaved parents and orphaned at a young age. From an early age, Malone understood that for African American women, appearance and grooming represented more than their personal style. It could also indicate a woman’s class and social standing. She realized that improving hair health could also have a positive effect on the lives of African American’s. This motivation, along with her early passion for styling her sisters’ hair, inspired Malone to develop products to help women adapt to a society that judged them based on how they met the American standard of beauty (which excluded the natural appearance of most African Americans). 

Malone not only faced the challenges of being a black woman in a segregated society but a businesswoman in a sexist society. Undeterred, she began experimenting with chemistry and established a successful business after developing a line of products that were advertised to help improve scalp health and promote hair growth. Some of these products included scalp preparations and her famous “Hair Grower.” After early success in Illinois, she moved to Missouri in 1902 and founded Poro College Company which became a very successful training ground for many women and men.

Black History is American History

Leave it Behind and Move Forward

by Weldon Tisdale, Trinity Woods Chaplain

The beginning of a new year is an opportune time to start afresh. Don’t let 2022 just be another year
of moving forward – make it a year of leaving some things behind. Past hurts, failures, pains, decisions…
are often weights that hinder our ability to move forward. Even good things that are energy drainers could potentially need to be left behind. If you have done something you thought was meaningful without getting meaningful results, maybe, it’s time to leave it (or them) behind as well.

Actually, any unnecessary weights or baggage should be left behind. Sometimes that includes individuals who have become baggage by occupying too much of your time, space, and energy, unnecessarily. Leave them behind and
love them from a distance.

Ultimately, the most difficult thing to do is move forward when you are totally focused on the past.

As one who was intimately aware of hurts, pains, beatings, and shipwrecks in life, the Apostle Paul teaches us the importance of forgetting past things and moving forward. He encourages us to press on towards a greater prize.

Just a reminder: faith is the key element for moving forward. Your heavenly Father did not create you to live a life of mediocrity – you were created to live life in the faith lane. The faith lane is not to be mistaken for the ‘fast lane’ because often it is just the opposite. Patience will be required as you embark on the new.

There is so much more ahead of you than behind you. Like Paul, let it go, leave it behind and move forward.

September STARS Employee

Crystal Creekmore, Human Resources Coordinator, is this month’s STARS Employee.

Start Date: February 2019

Born: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Raised: Mounds, Oklahoma

Education: Northeastern State University

First Job: Grocery Store Clerk

Wanted to be as a Kid: Scientist, to cure cancer

Favorite Thing about Trinity Woods: It is rewarding to work alongside people whose work

improves the quality of life for others.

What her supervisor says:

“Crystal was faced with the overwhelming responsibility of being the only person left to manage HR and payroll after her co-worker resigned and I was compelled to take extended medical leave. The absence of help left her doing the work of three people and ensuring that everyone in the organization was paid, all while managing all the other tasks assigned to HR. She never complained or felt sorry for herself; she simply rolled up her sleeves and took care of all 220 employees that work at Trinity Woods with grace and dignity.” Bill Peterson, VP of Human Resources.

Growing and Serving Everyone in the Spirit of Christ

As the mission of Trinity Woods expands, we feel compelled to explore what’s next for our
community. For the past 15 years, the question “What’s next?” has been clear. As we enter
the next chapter, we are evaluating several ideas and options. One topic that keeps rising to
the top of every discussion is diversity and inclusion within the organization.

More and more organizations are learning that a strong business is one that includes people
with diversity of gender, race, and cultural background. In this article, I am hoping to outline
three ways Trinity Woods is advocating for more diversity and inclusion.

At the Board level. While there is gender diversity on the Board, there is not ethnic
diversity. The Governance Committee is exploring ways to increase diversity by recruiting
ethnic minorities to serve on the Board.

On the staff level. The need for eff ective training on cross-cultural communications
and sensitivity as well as implicit bias is important. Hiring managers and leadership are
undergoing training to deepen their understanding of the benefi ts of a more inclusive and
diverse team.

At the community member level. As a ministry we are asking those we serve: “How could
our community be more inclusive? Can we promote diversity in a way that would enrich our
lives as well as the lives of others?”

A Task Force is exploring options for the development of the adjacent property owned by
Trinity Woods. The purpose is to provide suggestions to the Board for how the property
could be used. This includes considering how our mission can touch a more diverse
demographic group.

In the months ahead I will report back on the next steps that our Board envisions. In the
meantime, please join me in praying for Trinity Woods that we may fi nd new and innovative
ways to grow and deepen our commitment to serve all people in the spirit of Christ.

Tulsa Mayor Cuts Ribbon on Trinity Woods’ New Community Life

It’s the equivalent of a student union for the senior set. There will be live theater, concerts, coffee dates, billiards games and more taking place in the new Community Life Center at Trinity Woods. The 14,000 square foot building boasts an auditorium with seating for 250, a stage, and state-of-the-art audio/visual technology. It also includes two meeting rooms, three conversation nooks and a game room with coffee and juice bar.

“This is the final piece of our multi-year plan to bring our community in line with our vision to redefine aging,” said Steve Dickie, Trinity Woods CEO.  

Nearly 400 senior residents live on the 40-acre campus in Midtown Tulsa. This project signifies the completion of a major redevelopment plan. The $30.4 million investment includes not only the Community Life Center but a new assisted living building, two memory-care assisted living houses, a new main kitchen, the Cypress Grille restaurant and Tranquility Wellness Spa.

All of these facilities are designed to allow residents to embrace the International Council of Active Aging’s seven dimensions of wellness. These are physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, environmental, and vocational.

“We’re proud to be a life plan community offering residents a place to actively age whether they enjoy independent living or a higher level of care,” said Dickie. “This Community Life Center will be the hub of campus life and provide opportunities for everyone to be active and engaged.”


Oklahoma Methodist Manor first opened its doors in 1956 with a single building housing 25 seniors. Since then, the organization has been constantly redefining itself to meet the needs of those it serves. Today, it’s a 40-acre campus offering the full continuum of care to nearly 400 members through residential homes and apartments, traditional assisted living, memory care assisted living, rehabilitative therapy and long-term care nursing options.

“Over the past several years, we have been working to create a culture that redefines aging. The new, more contemporary name of Trinity Woods celebrates our organic evolution from nursing home to life plan community,” said Steve Dickie, Trinity Woods CEO.

The name change is the result of nearly two years of strategic planning including feedback from Trinity Woods community members, board members, employees, and Tulsa community leaders. The outcome of the process was the board’s unanimous decision to change the name from Oklahoma Methodist Manor to Trinity Woods.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Name Change

Why are you changing the name from Oklahoma Methodist Manor?
While we will always hold dear our historical name of Oklahoma Methodist Manor, we want our name to accurately represent who we are today.
• Oklahoma is an overly broad term for the area we serve.
• Methodist often confuses people who believe we are open only to Methodists when, in fact, we welcome people of all faiths.
• Manor is a dated term that does not effectively communicate the friendly neighborhood feel that exists here.

Is Trinity Woods under new ownership?
No, we remain a separately incorporated not-for-profit, single-site, senior living community governed by an independent board. The board meets monthly and is responsible for upholding the mission and setting strategic direction for the organization. There is also a Community Member Council that includes elected representatives from the community. The Council advises senior staff on issues that affect the community.

What does Trinity Woods stand for?
• Trinity acknowledges our faith-based heritage and the connection between mind, body and spirit as well as faith, hope and love.
• Woods comes from our practice of using tree names for different campus locations. For example, Cypress Grille, Charter Oak Restaurant, Crestwood apartments, etc.

Why the tagline Belong. Believe. Become.?
These traits are central to who we are as a community. Belong – The immediate welcome people feel as neighbors here. Believe in new possibilities. Become by moving here to live life to the fullest.

Why is Methodist no longer in the name?
We are changing the name to eliminate confusion. Our community is not exclusive to Methodists. We welcome and cheerfully include all. We are an Equal Housing Opportunity organization.

Is the Methodist Church still part of Trinity Woods?
Yes. This community was founded by United Methodists who believed the cause of serving elders was worthy of their best effort. We value our heritage as an organization founded by the Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church. The desire to serve in the spirit of Christ is still the backbone of who we are today.

COVID-19 CEO Update – April 1

Thank you to the many members, staff and families who are supporting us with their prayers, donations and kind words during these unprecedented times. Here are some new procedures we are implementing, effective April 1 until further notice. We appreciate your cooperation. As always if you have concerns or questions, I encourage you to reach out to me or to another OMM staff person.

April 1 Reassessment of COVID-19 Responses

Two weeks ago, we imposed a set of protective measures for the OMM campus and promised that we would reassess those actions on April 1. Now, as we enter the third week of self-quarantine for the COVID-19 virus, the national, state, and local timeline for this battle keeps extending into the future. Mayor G.T. Bynum has said “At some point in the weeks ahead, just based on the math of contagion, (the virus) will begin to snowball, and then the bad part will be here. That is when all this talk about flattening the curve will quit being theoretical. Only then will we know if we did enough right now.”

Based on our commitment to reduce the possible risk of virus transmission for our campus, we are adding the following preventative measures effective April 1:

  • In keeping with state and local directives, the Tranquility Wellness Spa will be closed until further notice.
  • We are designating a smaller group of employees to serve at the West Gate entrance as their sole work assignment. In order to effectively limit risk, they will no longer be entering campus buildings. They will still deliver packages to various building entrances but will be wearing protective equipment such as gloves and face masks.
  • Deliveries will continue to be accepted at the West Gate. However, those deliveries will only be brought onto the campus between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. OMM families please make note of these changes, especially when delivering groceries. We will not be able to store perishable goods overnight at the gate.
  • We are coordinating with the various home care agencies who serve members of our community. We are requiring consolidation of their scheduling to permit the fewest number of to caregivers enter our campus.
  • We will be offering the opportunity, where possible, for employees to work remotely from home to decrease the potential for virus transmission and to comply with “Safer at Home” guidelines for administrative personnel. Other employees will restrict their on-campus travel and remain in or near their offices.  All employees, whether remaining in their office or working remotely, will continue to be accessible via telephone or email.

The steps already taken, and these additional steps bring us closer to “flattening of the curve.” Only once we see the number of cases peak and start to recede can we consider reducing any restrictions. We understand the discomfort and inconvenience caused by these actions. We ask for your continued patience and grace as we, along with our community, state, and nation battle this invisible enemy.

If You Are Not Feeling Well

Monitor your symptoms. If you feel short of breath, develop a cough, and begin running a fever of above 100 degrees, contact Lupina Fry at 918-346-6618 and call your doctor. You should not contact your neighbors for assistance if you feel unwell or are requiring care and you should not allow them to enter your residence.

What about medically necessary appointments?  We urge everyone to first consult with your medical provider by phone and avoid any off-campus travel that is not absolutely necessary. We strongly recommend rescheduling appointments to a later date when the healthcare system has this situation under better control.

I need in-home care coming into my home to help. Is that okay? You should consider home care workers and all OMM employees as possible exposure risks.  We are doing everything possible to mitigate that risk by screening all employees and home care workers, but you should still follow social distancing guidelines.

Will OMM still take checks to the bank for deposit?  We need to restrict these trips to only urgent deposits absolutely needed to cover expenses. Family members may do this for you, we can arrange for them to pick up your check at the West Gate.

Again, thank you for your support, please know how much we appreciate your patience, kindness, and trust as we are doing everything we can for our employees and residents.

Steve Dickie, CEO

Message from Steve Dickie, CEO of Oklahoma Methodist Manor

Dear Friends,

With the announcement of the first case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Tulsa County, we want to assure everyone in our community that we are taking the risks and precautions necessary to protect our residents and staff during this outbreak.

Please know there is no higher priority to us than ensuring that Oklahoma Methodist Manor residents are well cared for and safe. We are monitoring this international situation closely and remain in close communication with medical professionals, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), government agencies, and internal teams to stay on top of this evolving situation.

According to the most recent information from the CDC, for most people, the immediate risk of being exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be low. However, since we serve a population that has been deemed at a higher risk, we are taking precautionary measures.

  1. If you are sick, not feeling well, or have been around someone who is ill, please do not visit.
  2. If you have traveled to an area that has been identified with cases of COVID-19 we ask that you not visit until you are sure you have not been exposed to the virus.
  3. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating or preparing food.
  4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  5. Stay home when you are sick.
  6. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

We always want our guests and families to feel welcome on campus, but we feel it is our responsibility to our residents to do everything in our power to protect them from this virus. As a result, we call special attention to the above limits placed upon visitors. Additionally, we have enhanced our cleaning procedures in the interest of our residents’ and employees’ health and safety.

Thank you for your cooperation and trust in Oklahoma Methodist Manor as we care for elders. We are prepared to navigate through these challenging circumstances with health and safety at the forefront of everything we do.

Should you have any concerns about what we are doing to combat this medical issue, I encourage you reach out me.

Steven H. Dickie
CEO, Oklahoma Methodist Manor

February STARS Employee of the Month!

Our hearts are overflowing with love this month for all our OMM employees, but we are excited to announce Victoria Treiber, Wellness Coordinator for Holliman, as the February STAR of the Month. Thank you, Victoria for all you do to encourage and bring joy to OMM Members.

Victoria Treiber began her tenure at OMM in September of 2008. She was raised in Corpus Christie but, when her parents relocated to the area, she fell in love with Tulsa and is happy to have called it home for the last 20 years. Victoria enjoys baking and learning about photography when she is not working. She even secretly collects fun kitchen gadgets. Her favorite thing about her job is “seeing the relationships – new ones and ones that are rekindled.” She is the mother to one daughter who is 20 years old and lives in Tulsa.

What her supervisor says “One of the many traits I admire about Victoria is her ability to build relationships. She not only has strong relationships with the Members in Holliman but with Members in the whole community. This ability allows her to add a special touch to all her programs. She often gets members involved in sponsoring or hosting events and helps members create their own programming.

She makes members feel welcomed and enriches the lives of those that she serves,” said Jennifer Rawlings, VP of Wellness.

The Sun Shines in Cobb Landing

It’s a cold day but as you walk the halls of the OMM Health Center all you feel is the warmth of love inside – especially in Cobb Landing. Cobb Landing is a special place, where very special people have been called to serve. It is a unique home for up to 14 elders and is dedicated to providing care for people facing the challenges of memory-related issues such as Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias.

“Sometimes it can seem intimidating to interact with individuals with Alzheimer’s or dementia,” said Julie Akers, Cobb Landing Household Manager. “Discovering the key that unlocks an

elder from these diseases, even if it’s just for a moment, is an unexplainable joy for all of us who work here.”

Julie and her team the “Cobbies,” as they call themselves, are dedicated to serving the elders of Cobb Landing. They have cookouts and bake together, and always remember to have fun. Recently they created life stations, where the elders sort household items, organize and complete tasks. These types of activities were parts of their lives and still allow them to relate

in an adult and purposeful way.

Providing care for individuals with memory related issues can be stressful. These diseases involve relentless cognitive deterioration. Our caregivers manage the ever-changing

demands and unexpected behaviors. “What works today may not work tomorrow but their smile is there, and we just have to find it,” said Akers.

“Our purpose in Cobb is to find their joy and encourage everyone (elder and family) that there is still life to live. This disease doesn’t define us,” a goal Julie and her team strive to achieve every day.

Top Ten Things To Do When Looking for a Senior Living Community!

The decision to move to a senior living community is like choosing a college. But unlike college, you might live at a senior living community for a decade. This chapter should be one of promise and hope for a vibrant future. Finding the right community for your needs can provide you with a new sense of hope and a plan for the next stage of your life. And just like college, you have many good choices, but the key is finding the right community for YOU.

Here are some helpful tips when searching senior living community for yourself or loved one:

  1. First and foremost, do your research.
    In this day and age where information is as your fingertips start online. Google is your friend, see what is available in your area. Search things like “senior living community” or “continuing care retirement community.” Online research is the first step but not the only step. Call communities you are interested in – Are they responsive? Do they offer tours?
  2. Visit the community to see the accommodations in person.
    They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well then experiencing it in person is priceless. There is nothing like seeing the location, staff and other members firsthand. This cuts to the heart of the hunt for a senior living community. Ask yourself – Can I see myself living here?
  3. Ask about the calendar events and programs that are available.
    One of the biggest benefits to being in a senior living community is other seniors. Many seniors feel increasingly isolated in their own homes. The switch to a new community offers new opportunities to learn, socialize, and play. Ask to see their calendar – are there events that interest you?
  4. Ask about Food and Dining Options?
    We all like a good meal. Do they offer all-day dining service, are there multiple options (restaurant, café or dining rooms)? The more meal options that are available, the more likely it is you’ll find something delicious and healthy that you enjoy.
  5. What Training and Qualifications do Staff have?
    Excellent staff and caregivers are the heart of an excellent community. Ask about the specific training and qualifications of staff at every level. What medical providers are available? Who will be interacting with you on a daily basis? How many hours of training do staff receive, and what sort of continuing education must they complete?
  6. Is Transportation available?
    There’s a whole world outside of your community, and it’s important to remain connected to it. Ask about the community’s transportation options. Be sure to ask whether or not you can request additional transportation as needed and any associated fees.
  7. How is safety and security handled?
    Everyone wants to feel safe and secure where they live, but for most older adults contemplating life at a senior living community, safety is paramount. Ask what the community does to ensure your safety. Make sure 24-hour security is on campus and ask who responds should an emergency occur pertaining to your health.
  8. Find out how the community communicates – whether it’s informational or handling grievances.
    We live in an era of lightning-fast communication. Ask about the communication channels the community uses – emails, Facebook, or newsletters. How does the community take into account member feedback? No community is perfect; however, excellent ones are committed to great customer service.
  9. And of course, we can’t forget the cost. How much will it cost?
    Many of us learned at an early age it is rude to talk about money, however it is also critical when planning for the rest of your life. Don’t feel like you are being stingy or cheap – finances are a major factor in your decision. After you’ve visited and decided that a community is on your list of top choices, get a clear cost breakdown. Some questions to consider:
    What is the base price per month or year?
    How are costs paid, and will they change over time?
    What is the cost for the amenities and living arrangements I saw.?
    What specific amenities are included in the base price?
    What add-ons do I have to pay for and at what cost?
  10. Ask questions!
    Don’t just read marketing materials and tour communities. You deserve as much information as you need to make the decision. No question should feel too big or too small, and you shouldn’t be shy about your queries. By taking a proactive stance to ask about the issues that concern you most, you increase the likelihood that you’ll find the perfect fit.

This is a big decision, but you will know the right place for you or your loved one. The right community opens new doors to grow and make connection while providing a safe space to live out your golden years. There’s no perfect senior living community; however, there is a perfect senior living community for you.

Oklahoma Methodist Manor Reaches $13.4 million Capital Campaign Goal!

Tulsa, OK – Our mission has always been bold: serving Tulsa seniors in the spirit of Christ. Five years ago we launched a capital campaign based on our vision of serving this generation and the generations to come. Today we are proud to announce that we have REACHED our goal! Thanks to Paula Marshall, Honorary Campaign Chair, the Campaign Cabinet, Board of Trustees and hundreds of incredibly generous donors.

“Simply amazing,” CEO of Oklahoma Methodist Manor, Steve Dickie said. “The response from our community, businesses, neighbors and friends has been overwhelming. We are forever grateful to all of our donors. We are so pleased to officially announce that we have achieved our goal, and that OMM will be able to continue to care for the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of those we serve.”

Planning for the Capital Campaign began in November of 2014. After conducting feasibility and cost studies, OMM leadership and community volunteers launched Phase I that resulted in $8.5 million to help fund a new Assisted Living Center and two Memory Care Houses. In 2018, Phase II of the campaign was launched, which will fund a new Community Life Center. With help from dozens of campaign volunteers, the community responded with hundreds of individual gifts, pushing the overall total to over $13.4 million as of the end of August.

“This year we will open the Holliman Living Center and break ground on the Marshall-Gaddy and Barnes Memory Care Houses, as well as the new Community Life Center,” said Dickie. “I am still in awe of the support from our members, board and the Tulsa community. When you undertake a goal like this you do it very thoughtfully and know it will be a journey – all I can say is I am truly humbled and thank you.”

OMM has been a leader in serving Tulsa seniors for over a six decades. Through this campaign OMM will be able to expand and meet the growing demand for assisted living and specialized memory care living. The new buildings on campus will only enhance the person centered-care elders receive at OMM.


Oklahoma Methodist Manor was founded in 1956 as a non-profit organization dedicated to serving Tulsa seniors in the spirit of Christ. Today OMM serves an average of 380 persons with a full continuum of care including residential living, assisted living, rehabilitative therapy, nursing care and skilled memory care. For more information visit

Caregiver Support Group Starts in September

In January, Oklahoma Methodist Manor became a Dementia Friendly Partner. This organization of interested individuals have met regularly to discuss missing pieces of the dementia friendly community. One of the most common requests at the Dementia Friendly Partners meetings has been providing a support group opportunity on the OMM campus.

Recently volunteers have stepped forward to offer their time to facilitate this opportunity. Doris Piatak, new OMM Member, has completed the Alzheimer’s Association training along with staff members, Lupina Fry and Lori Johnson. Although the training did focus on the Alzheimer’s we know all caregivers face similar concerns and we are opening our support group to all care providers, not solely those focused on dementia or Alzheimer’s.

“Support groups are meant to offer an opportunity to speak to others facing similar challenges, it offers comfort, advice and very often empowerment,” said Lupina Fry, Wellness Nurse at OMM. “There will be a support group facilitator who will help steer the group, keeping them on track. They will also reiterate the importance of confidential dialogue and exchange of ideas, leading to more meaningful learning and increased compassion for our community.” 

Beginning in September, the OMM Caregiver Support Group will meet on the third Thursday of each month in the 3rd Floor Meeting Room in Crestwood from 3 to 4:30 p.m. There is no need to RSVP and there is no charge to attend. We are excited to offer this new support group not just to OMM members but anyone in the Tulsa community that would like to attend. Please feel free to share with information with family and friends.

A continuation of 5 Steps to Successful Decision Making

Dealing with a house full of possessions and memories.

Sorting through belongings is often what stops people from moving forward… the thought of going through, sometimes 40-50 years of things, can seem overwhelming.  It’s easier to just give up and stay put….  It may be “Where do I even start?”  It may be “I don’t want to give that up… it has great sentimental value.”  The physical work that is involved may be too much and causes another stumbling block.

The good news is that you don’t have to sort through everything. Focus on what you need as basics. Then focus on what you’d like to keep if you have room for it.  There are many professional “Senior Move Managers” and they have experience working with those over the age of 65 and understand the anxiety that can come with this kind of task. They can come to your home with the floor plan you’ve selected in the community you’re moving to and help you decide what will fit where in your new place, pack items to be moved, shipped or sold, arrange for professional movers, unpack and remove the mess.  They are usually a great resource for estate sale companies, house cleaning, and realtors.

What Now?

Take the Next Step

What can we do for You?