September is National Preparedness Month

By Rev. Weldon Tisdale, Chaplain

” When opportunity comes, it’s too late to prepare.” John Wooden

John Wooden was one of the most successful NCAA Division 1 basketball coaches the sport has ever seen. He worked not just to win games, but to develop young men into personhood. He was
relentless in his practices, emphasizing the basics of basketball, all the while developing the character of his players.

Coach Wooden knew a 60 second time-out was not enough time to teach, practice, and implement a new play or strategy to take advantage of an opportunity in the game. He knew that it was the daily, dedicated practices that honed his players into individuals that could adjust, adapt and take advantage of a game situation and work it for their benefit.

Preparation must be done before the opportunity comes…thorough preparation.

Are you prepared? Your response is probably, “For what?” Good point. If we don’t know for what we are preparing, we will not know how to prepare.

So, for what are we preparing? As Believers, God told us in Ephesians 2:10: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” God, by His grace, brought you into His family to do the good works He has prepared in advance for us to do. Do I know what opportunities He’s going to give you and I to do today?

I don’t. But I know He wants us to be prepared for every good work opportunity He puts before us. Will it be a person in distress that needs someone to listen? A child that will challenge me as a parent? A spouse who needs extra love? A job that challenges our patience and/or abilities? Or is it simply being prepared to deal with life’s challenges? So how will we be prepared?

In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 it says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

So how will we be prepared, or should I say, “thoroughly equipped”? By connecting daily with the God-breathed words of Scripture. Through them God will prepare us…for every good work. So, when opportunity comes, we will be prepared!

Adapted from CrossPoint Church

Welcome Jerome!

New Faces at Trinity Woods!
Jerome Steele has joined the finance team of Trinity Woods as the Director of Finance. Originally from
Alabama, Jerome came to Tulsa in 1983 to attend Oral Roberts University where he received an undergraduate degree in Theology as well as an MBA in Business.

Previously Jerome served as Vice President of Finance and CFO of Bacone College in Muskogee where he was responsible for the business office, which included developing and implementing financial and accounting policies. His previous leadership experience includes serving as Chief Executive Officer of a Tulsa company that manufactured a medical device that treated diabetic neuropathy.

“We are so excited for Jerome to join the team. He brings 34 years of experience that will benefit the
mission of Trinity Woods,” said Jim Ginther, Senior VP of Finance. Jerome Steele Joins the Finance Team.

Jerome is married with four children. He and his wife, Yourlunda, founded Amazing Grace
Christian Center, a multi-cultural congregation located in west Tulsa.

Tips To Make Gardening Easy For Seniors

Article by:  Amelia Hoffbauer 

Gardening is a great way to stay fit and active in your golden years, and the best part? Reaping the tasty benefits of what you sow. And with a few adjustments and modifications, gardening can be an easy and enjoyable task for seniors.

Enjoying the environment is one perk of digging in the dirt. Studies on home and community gardening point to even more positives, including a reduced risk of dementia, and a happier life. Gardening raises serotonin, a chemical in the brain that puts people in a good mood. It also lowers stress-producing cortisol levels.

Tips on Easy Gardening

As we get older, not everyone is cut out for heavy digging, pulling weeds, and lugging around hoses or large watering cans. A low-maintenance garden reduces the amount of work and makes the garden more “senior-friendly.”

1. Mulched beds, paved pathways, lush groundcovers, and hardy shrubbery add elegance to the yard, and don’t require a lot of upkeep.

2. Set out chairs or benches under shady trees or on nearby patios to take a rest.

3. Bright colors are always easy to spot. Paint gardening tool handles or wrap them in colored tape to make them easy to find when dropped.

4. Raised garden beds are easier to weed and harvest. Stack landscaping timber edging to reduce straining and bending — this is especially helpful if you have back or joint pain.

5. Design vertical gardens with trellises, bamboo stakes, arbors, and tomato cages that encourage vines and other plants to grow upward. Growing upward instead of to the side makes plants much easier to prune and harvest.

6. Avoid hanging baskets. Sure, they’re pretty, but they need constant watering and fertilizing. These containers can be hard to reach … except, of course, when you bump into them.

7. Plant flowers and vegetables in foamy containers that use lightweight soil mediums. This reduces the weight of each container. Place the single pots on casters, so you can move them around easily.

8. Choose native flowers and shrubs that grow naturally in Oklahoma. Coreopsis, salvia, and phlox are only a few brightly-colored blooms that attract birds and butterflies. Oklahoma’s hot climate helps grasses thrive — little bluestem and prairie dropseed do very well. Sumac is a hardy shrub that sprouts colorful red flowers.

Indoor Gardens


When it comes to indoor greenery, the more the better, especially for those who cannot get outside much.

Mini gardens in pots on a windowsill are enjoyable, too. Indoor hydroponic gardens use water and liquid fertilizer to grow herbs, flowers, fruits, and vegetables.

Hydroponic systems come in various sizes, small enough for tabletops and large enough for the corner of any size room. All you have to do is a little pinching and pruning to keep these plants growing nicely until their stages are complete.

Get to Gardening!

You will definitely stay active with all the bending, squatting, stretching, and weed pulling it takes to maintain a flower or veggie patch. But the best tip to make it easy? Choose the plants that make you happy.

Amelia Hoffbauer has been growing her own fruits and vegetables for more than 60 years, and at 84, she shows no signs of slowing down. Her real passion is for her prize rose bushes which have won her six blue ribbons at her county fair.

Hearing Loss & Face Covering Frustration

Most of us have at least gotten used to wearing a face covering during the pandemic, but what we have not gotten used to is trying to understand what people are saying under that face covering. Until this new face covering requirement, I never knew how much I depended on reading lips and watching people’s facial expressions. Now I find myself turning toward to a conversation just to hear better. This pandemic has brought about all kinds of adjustments and adaptations to life and now communication is at the top of that list. As if communication was not already on this list of difficult things!

According to a survey from the Hearing Health Foundation, 87 percent of respondents were experiencing communication problems from face masks, so you are not alone when dealing with this frustration. So how can we adapt and try to eliminate some of the frustration that we have all felt while staying safe?

The best tip of all is to remember to be patient, kind and courteous. These three factors are key to all our success! If we are patient, kind and courteous we will all get through this together and be better communicators in the long run!

Tips and Resources pulled from UPMC Health Beat.

UTILIZE TECHNOLOGY. Check your smart phone for apps or applications like voice to text or hearing aid compatibility. Also, when you go to church or attend a concert or gathering, ask the venue if they have hearing aid assistive devices available.

BE PREPARED. When you are going to group meetings, concerts, or dinner make sure your hearing aid batteries are new or carry a backup.

TAKE NOTES. If you are only catching every other word, it might help to write them down so you can go back and try to connect the dots.

SPEAK SLOWLY AND CLEARLY. Do not exaggerate or overemphasize your words.

DO NOT SHOUT. Speaking louder does not always mean speaking clearly. When you shout it can make it harder to understand what you are trying to say.

THINK ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT. Try to avoid locations with a lot of background noise when having conversations. If this is not possible utilize some of the tips above.

IT’S OK TO REPEAT YOURSELF. Do not be embarrassed if you need to repeat yourself or if you need to ask someone to repeat themselves. We are all in the same boat!

For more information visit:

October STARS Employee of the Month Announced!

The October STARS Employee of the Month is Beverly Bufford a CNA in Cobb Landing. Beverly is a caregiver in the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Household. She originally started at OMM in 2014, took a short break and has been back since March of 2020.

“I truly love working with the elders in Cobb,” said Beverly. She was born in Tulsa but grew up and attended school in Chicago, IL. She met her husband in high school and they have been married 20 years. They have seven children, four girls and three boys. Her favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because she loves to cook and spend time with her family.

What her supervisor says, “Beverly is such kind soul. She is one of the trainers on Cobb Landing for new employees and is always so thorough and patient with everyone through their learning experience,” said Julie Akers, Household Manager in Cobb Landing.

Finding your Silver Lining in the Midst of Change

Life has recently brought us a lot of change, from isolation, to wearing face coverings, loss of being able to connect face to face with loved ones and just figuring out the “new normal.” We have all had to find that silver lining in some aspect of our life over the last couple of months. More than likely we have all experienced some sort of loss or change and with that usually comes grief. Grief is triggered when we lose something that is important to us. Perhaps the most traumatic is when someone we love dies. However, grief can also occur when dealing with a pandemic or the loss of an in-person relationship, financial stability, disappointments, your home, a pet, or a personal belonging. Grief has the capacity to make us bitter or better. It all depends on the choices we make on our journey.

Unfortunately, few of us have been taught how to practice good grief. Grief is normal and, in fact, necessary to healing the deep, painful wounds caused by loss. Change in your life delivers several different physical and emotional symptoms. The way you feel and the actions you take during this journey are unique to everyone. With that in mind, we have engaged Dr. David Willets, a former pastor and certified grief counselor, to speak about the practical application of healing grief and finding your silver lining.

Dr. Willets has real-time experience on the topic of grief. He has served in local church ministry for more than 45 years. He has educational training in pastoral care and counseling. In 2004, David’s wife of 27 years and 18-year-old daughter were killed in an automobile wreck. Through this painful experience, along with his training, Dr. Willets brings sound psychological, spiritual, and applicable expertise to those on the journey of grief.

Have you experienced loss from the pandemic? Have you experienced the loss of a loved one? Have you had changes in your life that have been painful? Have you recently downsized or moved? Then this session is for YOU!

Friday, September 18 at 1 p.m. Fleming Center

For more information about Dr. Willets you can visit his website at

OMM is Growing

While the pandemic may have slowed some things down around town, it has not stopped the construction for the two new Memory Care Households, Community Life Center or Maintenance Shop at OMM. These three major new construction projects are in full swing.

Phase II of the Generation to Generation Campaign construction consists of two new 12-bed Memory Care Households, a Community Life Center that includes a great hall attached to the new Holliman Center, and a new Maintenance Shop. The construction projects are happening simultaneously. The building pads for the Memory Care Households and Community Life Center are complete and the foundation work is well


“I am very pleased with how the construction is going,” said Dennis Graham, VP of Operations. “We are hoping to have the slab poured and in place on or before the middle of June. Once the slab is completed the framing will begin immediately and should be complete by late August.”

The Memory Care Households, which will be called the Barnes House and Marshall-Gaddy House, have foundations and the mechanical and plumbing rough-in process has started. The mechanical rough-in process will take about two weeks to complete. The slab process will begin immediately following the rough-in completion.

“We just received the building permit for the new Maintenance Shop and are excited to start that project,” said Jesse Stark, OMM Project Coordinator. “The new Maintenance Shop will be located on the northwest corner of the campus and requires the demo of three houses. The new building is a pre-engineered metal building and is scheduled to arrive in late June.”

The Community Life Center Great Hall foundation is completed. The below grade walls for the Great Hall will be completed by the end of May along with the remainder of the foundation work for the entire building. The mechanical rough-in process for this building will be completed by the middle of June.

COVID-19 Update – June 2020

Steve Dickie, Oklahoma Methodist Manor CEO, COVID-19 Update – June 2020

COVID-19 has impacted nearly every aspect of living and working at Oklahoma Methodist Manor, and we continue to balance the need to protect those who live and work on our campus with allowing the freedoms that make life worth living and our work meaningful. There is no doubt our process to balance protection with freedom will continue to evolve as this pandemic continues.

We have officially re-opened our campus to visitors to the residential living areas (Felt House, Villas, Patio Homes, Lakeside Homes, and Crestwood). Additionally, we have created “LOV Stations” on our campus that allow for residents of the Healthcare Households and Holliman Center to receive visitors safely. The restoration of guests to our campus has produced a great deal of joy, but it comes with increased responsibility for all.

Now, more than ever, we ask our community members, employees and their guests to please be mindful of these crucial infection control practices: wash your hands or use sanitizer frequently, always wear a face covering in public, and maintain physical distance from others whenever possible.

In addition to those most critical practices, please also be aware that all visitors to our campus are required to enter campus through our West Gate entrance (near New Haven Avenue and 31st Place). At that entrance, all persons who enter campus are screened for symptoms, contact with those potentially infected, and travel to or from COVID-19 “hotspots” to provide for the safety of our campus. Everyone entering campus must be symptom-free, not have been in contact with anyone suspected or confirmed COVID-positive and must not have recently been in a “hotspot.” We appreciate your cooperation with these requirements as you plan your visit. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or concerns regarding visiting our campus.

Meanwhile, rest assured we will continue to follow recommendations from the CDC across all parts of our campus, and guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) in the Healthcare Households and Holliman Center.

COVID-19 continues to require new levels of commitment to improve, grow, and change. I am confident that we will emerge with a renewed sense mission and purpose. We ask that you keep us in your prayers and please give as generously as you can if you are so led. Thank you for trusting us and helping to ensure there will always be a home where elders find a life worth living.

COVID-19 Update – Monday, May 18, 2020

Steve Dickie, Oklahoma Methodist Manor CEO, COVID-19 Update – Monday, May 18, 2020

Plans to Ease Restrictions on the OMM Independent Living Community 

We recognize the concern many OMM community members have voiced about the need to ease the restrictions imposed on the Residential Living community (Crestwood, Felt House, Villas, Patio Homes and Lakeside Homes.) In response to these concerns our Leadership Team has developed a plan to open the campus. What follows is our plan to progressively ease the restrictions for the community members of the Residential Living:  

Monday, May 18th   

  • The Spann Wellness Center reopens for individual workouts by appointment only. 
  • Staff-directed fitness classes will not resume at this time. 
  • The Swimming Pool and Hot Tub will remain closed. 
  • Staff-directed programming resumes with revised social distancing guidelines in place. (i.e., Bible study, Lunch-N-Learns, Wii Bowling and presentations.) 
  • The Hobby Zone, Members Club and Game Room will reopen with revised capacity guidelines to ensure appropriate social distancing.  
  • At this time, members still on quarantine cannot participate in programming or Spa Appointments. 
  • Weekly check-in calls with members will stop. Certain members may still receive calls and visits as needed. 

Friday, May 22nd  

  • OMM will resume transportation for community members to the grocery store for shopping.  
  • Residential Living Members may leave campus and return. OMM strongly cautions membersto only leave for essential tripsdue to the risk of exposure to COVID-19. Should a community member choose to leave campus, we recommend, the following: 
  • Limit the number of people with whom you have close contact.   
  • Clean your hands often, either with soap and water for 20 seconds or a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.  
  • Put distance between yourself and other people (at least 6 feet.)  
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others.  
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces daily. 
  • Members who leave campus will have a brief health screening upon their return.  
  • Visitors to all areas of the campus will still be prohibited, except for immediate family in end-of-life situations. 
  • If someone comes to OMM to pick up a Member, the Member should be taken to the west gate security building by another Member or transportation. 
  • Deliveries to the residential living campus will resume. 

InformationforPeople Under Quarantine  

  • The 14-day quarantine requirement will end unless a member has symptoms of a respiratory illness or has tested positive for COVID-19. 
  • Members that return from medically necessary appointments will not have to be quarantined.  
  • Members that have been living away from campus can return without having to be quarantined.  
  • Members that receive in-home care will not have to be quarantined.  

Visitors Still Prohibited in Healthcare Households andHolliman Center  

The Oklahoma State Department of Health continues to prohibit all visitation, except for end-of-life, into the Healthcare Households and Holliman Center. Accordingly, this prohibition will now extend to all Members of the Residential Living community. Deliveries to the Healthcare Households and Holliman Center must still be brought to the West Gate entrance.  

FactorsThat CouldInfluence Progress   

  • Suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 on the OMM campus. 
  • Increase in new cases, hospitalizations, or deaths in the Tulsa area. 

Should I Wear a Face Mask?

Fact or Fiction: A face mask cannot prevent me from catching COVID-19, but I can help reduce the spread by wearing one.

Fact. Common surgical face masks are not designed to block viral particles – the little droplets that are expelled into the air when you cough or sneeze while sick. These types of masks do not create a seal around your nose and mouth and therefore are not an effective method for keeping germs out.  

They are, however, an effective way to reduce the spread of viral particles. You might be saying to yourself – wait a minute, how is that possible? A mask can help keep me from spreading germs if I’m already sick, but it can’t prevent me from getting sick in the first place?  

Yes. That is exactly what we are saying here. The CDC indicates that surgical facemasks can help prevent further spread of viral particles for those who are feeling unwell. This guidance focuses on the 25% of Americans who may be positive for COVID-19, but are not exhibiting any symptoms. When people must go into public settings, such as grocery stores, a facemask can reduce the respiratory particles released in the air.  

So there is no confusion here – the face mask is not intended to protect the person who is wearing it, instead it is intended to prevent the spread of the virus from the wearer to others.

Article courtesy of the Oklahoma State Department of Health.

Acts of kindness are good for your health.

Fact. According to the Mayo Clinic, a leader in healthcare, acts of kindness aren’t just good for the soul, they are good for the body too. When we participate in acts of kindness our body releases oxytocin, a hormone that helps regulate our social and emotional response. The more oxytocin released, the more generous, kind and peaceful you are likely to feel. In addition, higher amounts of oxytocin is associated with less stress and better sleep. 

The best part? It is so easy for each of us to participate in acts of kindness. Here are a few ways to get that oxytocin boost and still follow social distancing guidelines: 

  • Are you picking up dinner at a local drive thru? If you have the extra cash, pick up the tab for the person pulling up behind you. 
  • Did you run to the grocery store to pick up some rolls of toilet paper or get the last few boxes of tissues? Leave your “extras” on a neighbor’s doorstep or in a mailbox. 
  • Get your kids involved in acts of kindness and create springtime version of Secret Santa by leaving small arts and crafts or drawings for random people in your community.   

Remember what Mr. Rogers said, “There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.”

This article courtesy of the Oklahoma State Department of Health.

COVID-19 CEO Update – April 1

Thank you to the many members, staff and families who are supporting us with their prayers, donations and kind words during these unprecedented times. Here are some new procedures we are implementing, effective April 1 until further notice. We appreciate your cooperation. As always if you have concerns or questions, I encourage you to reach out to me or to another OMM staff person.

April 1 Reassessment of COVID-19 Responses

Two weeks ago, we imposed a set of protective measures for the OMM campus and promised that we would reassess those actions on April 1. Now, as we enter the third week of self-quarantine for the COVID-19 virus, the national, state, and local timeline for this battle keeps extending into the future. Mayor G.T. Bynum has said “At some point in the weeks ahead, just based on the math of contagion, (the virus) will begin to snowball, and then the bad part will be here. That is when all this talk about flattening the curve will quit being theoretical. Only then will we know if we did enough right now.”

Based on our commitment to reduce the possible risk of virus transmission for our campus, we are adding the following preventative measures effective April 1:

  • In keeping with state and local directives, the Tranquility Wellness Spa will be closed until further notice.
  • We are designating a smaller group of employees to serve at the West Gate entrance as their sole work assignment. In order to effectively limit risk, they will no longer be entering campus buildings. They will still deliver packages to various building entrances but will be wearing protective equipment such as gloves and face masks.
  • Deliveries will continue to be accepted at the West Gate. However, those deliveries will only be brought onto the campus between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. OMM families please make note of these changes, especially when delivering groceries. We will not be able to store perishable goods overnight at the gate.
  • We are coordinating with the various home care agencies who serve members of our community. We are requiring consolidation of their scheduling to permit the fewest number of to caregivers enter our campus.
  • We will be offering the opportunity, where possible, for employees to work remotely from home to decrease the potential for virus transmission and to comply with “Safer at Home” guidelines for administrative personnel. Other employees will restrict their on-campus travel and remain in or near their offices.  All employees, whether remaining in their office or working remotely, will continue to be accessible via telephone or email.

The steps already taken, and these additional steps bring us closer to “flattening of the curve.” Only once we see the number of cases peak and start to recede can we consider reducing any restrictions. We understand the discomfort and inconvenience caused by these actions. We ask for your continued patience and grace as we, along with our community, state, and nation battle this invisible enemy.

If You Are Not Feeling Well

Monitor your symptoms. If you feel short of breath, develop a cough, and begin running a fever of above 100 degrees, contact Lupina Fry at 918-346-6618 and call your doctor. You should not contact your neighbors for assistance if you feel unwell or are requiring care and you should not allow them to enter your residence.

What about medically necessary appointments?  We urge everyone to first consult with your medical provider by phone and avoid any off-campus travel that is not absolutely necessary. We strongly recommend rescheduling appointments to a later date when the healthcare system has this situation under better control.

I need in-home care coming into my home to help. Is that okay? You should consider home care workers and all OMM employees as possible exposure risks.  We are doing everything possible to mitigate that risk by screening all employees and home care workers, but you should still follow social distancing guidelines.

Will OMM still take checks to the bank for deposit?  We need to restrict these trips to only urgent deposits absolutely needed to cover expenses. Family members may do this for you, we can arrange for them to pick up your check at the West Gate.

Again, thank you for your support, please know how much we appreciate your patience, kindness, and trust as we are doing everything we can for our employees and residents.

Steve Dickie, CEO

Sanitize, Sanitize, Sanitize

Oklahomans are doing a great job implementing social distancing recommendations and observing guidance from state and local authorities, and while that means we are staying home and limiting our exposure to others, we still have essential needs that must be met. To meet those needs, Oklahomans still need to go to the grocery store to pick up bread and milk and eggs. We still have to put gas in the car. For others, delivery services have been critical – bringing food, toilet paper, and other items straight to our doors.

But wait. All those items that are coming into our homes, have been touched by multiple hands, traveled by plane, truck and car to reach you. But what can you do about that? You have to have these items, so how will you maintain your individual and household needs and also protect yourself from potential spread of COVID-19. Should we be worried?

Good news folks – the risk of COVID-19 spreading through your delivered groceries and bars of soap are pretty low. In fact, the CDC doesn’t recommend anything special for how you handle packages received in the mail, or that you pick up at the grocery store. The CDC does recommend you continue to observe social distance practices and remain vigilant in your personal hygiene. There are a few extra precautionary measures you can take to reduce risk even more when you are bringing goods into your home.

•If you are having food delivered, avoid direct contact with the food courier by leaving payment (if needed) outside the door and instructions on where to leave your food package. 

•When returning from a trip to the grocery store, gas station or food pick up, be sure to immediately wash your hands and any re-useable bags you may shop with. 

•Don’t leave empty take out boxes on your counters or other hard surfaces, make sure they land in your sink or your trash bin. 

•Continue to regularly disinfect high touch areas in your home – doorknobs, faucet handles, and light switches are examples. 

As long as we all keep doing our part, we can continue to slow the spread and flatten the curve here in Oklahoma. Let’s do this!

This article courtesy of the Oklahoma State Department of Health.

You Want Me to Stay Home for How Long?

As businesses, places of worship and schools continue to close, the reality of our new world is settling in, and we’re not sure entirely what to think of it. For many of us – this presents a minor inconvenience. Perhaps we have paid sick leave we can access, or a job that allows for remote work. However, for our friends, neighbors and family who work hourly jobs, asking them to self-quarantine is likely causing a lot of anxiety. How will I pay my bills? How will we cover our mortgage or rent? What happens when I miss my first paycheck?

We want to make sure you are taking the steps, and have access to resources to keep your spiritual, emotional and physical health up during these times. Here are some tips and resources to help you through it.

•Have a routine for you and other members of your household. You don’t have to get all dressed up like your leaving the house, but set alarms, have meals at a certain time and “schedule” the day as much as you can.  

•Keep up with your social engagements – virtually. Do you have coffee every Wednesday morning with the moms from the bus stop? Is there a regular happy hour you and your co-workers go to? Great! Pour your beverage of choice and set up a video chat with your service of choice.

•Find ways to keep exercising. Many gyms are now offering streaming workout classes to help people stay busy and active during times of self-quarantine.  Check out a list of options here. 

•Ask for help. If you’re feeling like it’s all too much, that’s ok. We understand that self-quarantine is a disruption in all of our lives, and depending on each of our unique situations, the stress, concern and anxiety may be different. If you need someone to talk to, call the disaster distress helpline at 1-800-985-5990 and talk to someone about how your feeling, and what you need.

Our community is so resilient. We have been through devastating natural disasters and acts of domestic terrorism. If you’re new to our state – know that while COVID-19 may be new to us, we are not new to responding and helping our fellow Oklahomans.

Article courtesy of the Oklahoma State Health Department.

Is Anybody Out There?

If you’ve been out and about in the community, traffic probably seems a lot lighter. Kids are not waiting at bus stops, the line at your favorite coffee spot is much shorter. This week Governor Stitt ordered all non-essential businesses be closed in Oklahoma counties with confirmed COVID-19 cases for the next 21 days.

You may be asking yourself, what now? How do I manage my day-to-day with these types of closures? What exactly can I expect?

Here are a few tips to help you navigate these changes: 

  • Non-essential businesses are those providing items or services that are socially driven. Think gyms, bars and other similar businesses and services.
  • Grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations and other services Oklahomans depend on to care for themselves and others are open, and you can find a full list of essential services here.
  • Check your favorite grocery store’s website before you head out for a gallon of milk or a couple rolls of toilet paper; many have reduced hours or are offering specific hours for members of our communities who are at higher risk.
  • If your ability to work will be impacted by these new restrictions, there are resources to help you. Check out Oklahoma Works for additional information on how to file an unemployment claim or access resources for alternate employment during this time.

We know it’s a lot to ask, especially if you are feeling well. Maybe, it’s starting to feel like you’re listening to a broken record, and well, you are. Just know these restrictions are being implemented after careful consideration, informed by science and facts. 

Stay home, slow the spread, and protect our Oklahoma communities.

Article Courtesy of the Oklahoma State Department of Health

Update on COVID-19 Precautions for the OMM Campus – March 25, 2020

To All OMM Community Members, Families, and Visitors:
I know you share my concern in how the Coronavirus is impacting our city, nation, and world, especially older adults. The health and wellbeing of our community members, employees, and their families are the of the utmost importance and priority to all of us. Oklahoma Methodist Manor (OMM) continues to implement ALL guidelines recommended by the CDC and Oklahoma State Department of Health regarding the COVID-19 public health crisis.

To that end, OMM began implementing protection measures as early as March 2. On March 13, we closed the Health Care Households and the Holliman Living Center to all visitors. Four days later, we closed our entire campus to visitors and began a self-imposed quarantine of the nearly 400 members who live here. These actions were all taken prior to government mandates and illustrate our deep commitment to the health and safety of our members and employees.

Additionally, on March 24, Governor Stitt signed the “Safer at Home” Executive Order (2020-06). “To protect our elderly, we are suspending all visitation to nursing homes and long-term care facilities effective immediately and until further notice,” Stitt announced. This order fortified the steps that OMM had already taken to protect older individuals who have increased susceptibility to this virus and a heightened risk of developing serious illness.

Access to the campus is currently closed at ALL entrances except for the gated entrance on 31st Place, east of New Haven Avenue. Access at that gate is managed by OMM staff. At this same location, all employees are receiving a health screening before entering campus to ensure they are healthy to work. Our goal is to reduce the chance of the virus spreading to our campus.

We understand that connecting with family members is extremely important and we appreciate your cooperation and understanding. We encourage you to use other avenues to connect with your loved ones – phone calls, Facetime or Skype. As we continue to monitor the latest news and guidance, we will keep you informed of any additional changes. Feel free to check our website (Blog page) and social media channels for information.

Rest assured that we consider our residents to be part of our extended family. We are here to answer any question or concerns you may have, please do not hesitate to contact any of the staff members or me personally. Thank you for your continued support and prayers as we navigate through these unusual circumstances together.

Steve Dickie, CEO
Oklahoma Methodist Manor

Is Going for a Walk Essential?

So, you made the decision to follow guidance and voluntarily self-quarantine or minimize your movements for the next 14 days.

First, thank you for making that choice to help protect our most vulnerable neighbors, family and friends. We fully recognize the inconvenience this will pose, and the impact it may have on you financially. We understand it is a sacrifice for the greater good, and we truly appreciate you for doing the right thing for our community as a whole.

So, now you need to figure out what your days look like in this quarantined lifestyle. You have probably seen lots of articles and information around what’s essential and what’s not.

Can you still run to the grocery store if you run out of toilet paper or milk?

Is it okay to take a walk around the block to get some fresh air or just quiet time away from the kids, partners or other housemates?

What about your dog? Is it okay to take Fido to the nearby dog park for some exercise and relief?

The short answer is, yes. You can still do all of those things. Your physical health and well-being are critical to our recovery from the impact of COVID-19.

The long answer goes something like this: If you need to run to the grocery store, be mindful of those around you. If you observe congestion in an aisle, keep moving and wait for it to break apart. Pay attention to where you are in the checkout line and observe social distancing guidelines of staying 6 feet apart. Try to make a list and get what you may need to get you through the length of your voluntary quarantine. Wash your hands before and after any trips and grab a little bit of hand sanitizer for yourself (and to share with your cashier!).

Please, take that walk around the block and get fresh air. Let Fido run around the dog park. But just like at the grocery store, be mindful of your surroundings. Maintain that social distance of 6 feet to protect yourself and others from potential exposures. If you are approaching others during your walk, cross the street or simply stop and move an appropriate distance away to ensure safe distance when you pass one another. Your health and well-being is essential, and undertaking activities to ensure that you and your loved ones can maintain good health is essential. Just use common sense when you do.

This article and information provided by the Oklahoma State Department of Health.

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