Trinity Woods



Women of the Bible

By Weldon Tisdale, Chaplain
Who has not heard of Sarah? She was Abraham’s wife, and her faith is recorded in Hebrews 11:11. “By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.”

Who has not heard of Ruth? She was a Moabite woman who showed loyalty to her mother-in-law, Naomi, and her God. Her character and faith in God brought her many blessings, including being listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:5).

There are many other amazing women recorded in the Bible who were blessed by God because of their faith. It’s important to remember and learn from these faithful women as well.

Faith is “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” Hebrews 11:1. Sarah was well beyond the childbearing years, yet she bore Isaac just as God had said. She judged God to
be faithful in what He had promised, and she was blessed because of her faith. The Bible chronicles many such women of faith— women who believed and trusted in God. Their stories are found
throughout the scriptures.

For example, the story of Rahab is found in Joshua 2. She was a Gentile, and is mentioned again in Hebrews 11:31 as having faith, “By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not
believe, when she had received the spies with peace.”

One of the most fascinating statements of faith is found in Hebrews 11:35, “Women received their dead raised to life again.” Examples abound of both Israelite and Gentile women having faith. Who were those women?

We may not often read their brief stories, but in each case, the faith of those women and those around them were increased and reading of their experiences helps us also increase our faith in God. Article is adapted from “Life Hope & Truth” website.

August STARS Employee of the Month

Clarence Elliott, Transportation
» Start Date: October 2021
» Born and Raised: Tulsa, OK
» Wanted to be as a Kid: A Navy man
» Described by Friends: Sincere and Dependable
» Hobbies: Listening to old albums and reading
» First Job: Mr. Cecil’s Barber Shop
» Favorite Bible Verse: “Blessed is he who considers the poor.” Psalms 41:1
» Favorite Book: My name is Charlie Wilson by Charlie Wilson
» Family: Married with 5 children
» What his supervisor says: “Clarence is a very conscientious person and always goes above and beyond in helping our members. It is a pleasure to a have person like him to work with.” – Cliff Mosley, Transportation Supervisor

The New Biodex Balance System

Trinity Woods is pleased to announce a new treatment option to our fall prevention therapy program. The Biodex Balance System is designed to improve balance, increase agility, develop muscle tone and treat a wide variety of pathologies.

“Individuals can improve their balance and decrease the risk of future falls. Everyone can benefit from this therapy and I’m excited to offer this new avenue of treatment,” said Eliot Barrens, PT. “Additionally, Medicare and most insurances will cover at least a 4-week treatment program once a physician has provided an order.”

From athletes to older adults, balance testing and training is a critical piece of the rehabilitation puzzle. Biodex balance devices help you objectively identify areas of weakness so you can customize a program and document outcomes. If this is something that interests you, please reach out to Lupina Fry, Wellness Nurse.

Trinity Woods Online Logo Shop

We are excited to announce the Trinity Woods Logo Shop! Community members can now show their Trinity Woods spirit. The website will be live through Sunday, August 21. Items purchased will be ready for pick up at the September Town Hall, scheduled for September 9. For questions about ordering TW merchandise contact Heidi Garrett at 918.346.6671.

To access the website click here!

Community Life Center Year in Review

by Jennifer Rawlings, VP of Wellness

Where has the last year gone? I still remember the anticipation, and all the planning that went into opening the Community Life center like it was yesterday. When I reflect on all that we have provided in the Community Life Center, I can’t believe we didn’t always have this space.

Over the last year this space has bridge our community and provided Trinity Woods with so many new and enhanced opportunities and partnerships. The Community Life Center has exceeded our vision of being the “central hub” or “student union: of our campus. Our dream of organic member-driven programs has truly flourished. Our vision of the Community Life Center being a place where everyone on campus could gather for events and not have a waitlist for concerts and dinners in now a reality.

Even after a year the astonishment on peoples faces when they see the stage, the Steinway piano, the lights, the acoustics, and all the finishes is still invigorating. I love to watch relationships evolve through interactions that happen in the different sitting areas of the Community Life Center. These spaces have created opportunities for residents who live in all areas of the community to gather and read the newspaper, play pool and games, have fireside chats, and enjoy coffee together.

The Community Life Center has provided us with a place where people from across the campus can come together. A place where everyone is welcomed. A place that promotes enjoyment of life. A place whew new hobbies, skills and educational experiences can happen.

Our goal for the Community Life Center is to continue to provide a place for inclusion and where the whole-person wellness can continue to flourish.

We’ll be celebrating our first anniversary on August 11.

August STARS Employee of the Month

Amy McDaniel, Housekeeping
» Start Date: June 2018
» Born: Gardenia, CA
» Raised: San Francisco, CA
» One Meal Forever: Tacos
» First Job: McDonalds
» Wanted to be as a Kid: Singer
» Family Recipe: Goulash
» Favorite Book: The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
» Hobby: Crocheting
» Family: Married with six children
» What her supervisor says: “Amy is a thoughtful and conscientious worker. She is happy to do the work needed to get the job done right. She is an asset to our team and to the member we serve”. – Cathy Green, Housekeeping Supervisor

August Issue of The Trail Mix

In This Issue:

Celebrating One Year for the Community Life Center
It has been one year since we opened the Trinity Woods Community Life Center. This space has allowed us to truly bring together our community in so many ways. We are excited to host “The Big Show” to celebrate this special anniversary with lots of performers and fun! We announce the August STARS Employees of the Month – Clarence and Amy!

August Wellness
This month we finish out our summer school schedules with Japanese Culture, Jewelry Making and Recycling. We also are excited to announce the new Biodex Balance System to our therapy program. We also have the Eicher Thursday concert for the music lovers in the neighborhood!

New Neighbors
Meet Bob and Toni!

August Availability
This month we are showcasing the Patio Homes residences. Click here for more information!

Choosing Better Health!

By Jennifer Rawlings, Your Better Health Choosing Guru

Like everything in life, health and wellness are made up of the hundreds of small decisions we make every day. Whether you choose to spend 20-30 minutes a day working out or spend most of
your time sticking to healthier food choices, every choice makes an impact on you, your mood, and your interactions with others. Here are some simple, yet effective, ways to make your health a priority!

• Make smart healthy food choices – more fruits and vegetables
• Physical activity for 25-30 minutes each day
• Drink plenty of water
• Get 7-8 hours of sleep nightly
• De-stress daily

It’s not about cutting everything out that you love to eat or about going to the gym for an hour plus a day. And it’s not about saying yes to everything that comes your way. It is about BALANCE!

Balance means taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. Living a balanced life allows you to have an understanding of yourself and your needs as well as knowing how to show yourself
compassion like you do for others.


Living a healthy life is not a destination, it’s a journey! Don’t compare your journey to someone else’s. Comparison can be the thief of joy. Next time you start to feel like you are lacking joy, look to see if you
are comparing yourself to someone else. And remember this is your journey. Your chapter. Your goal. Your life. Your valley. Your peak. Your race. Your pace.

Living Independently Dependent

By Weldon Tisdale, Chaplain

July 4, 1776 was the greatest and most important date for the United States of America. It is the day the original 13 colonies declared their independence from the British Empire and became independent states. It is the date we celebrate, annually, as “July 4th – Independence Day.” For enslaved Africans there was no such celebration until the final slaves were freed in Texas on June 19, 1865, more than two-and-a-half years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. A day we now know and celebrate as “Juneteenth.”

As we celebrate our independence and freedom, we must also remember that more than 2000 years ago believers were set free from sin by the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. Given these facts, we all have great reason to celebrate our varied freedoms. However, freedom has its limits. We are limited by the laws of the land, the laws of nature, the laws of morality and the Word of God.

Paul records in Galatians 5:1, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” (NKJV) It was for freedom that Christ set us
free, but… Paul also tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:12, “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial.’ I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.” (NIV)

In other words, though I have the right, freedom, and independence to do anything, not everything I choose to do is beneficial, safe, moral or good for me. While Paul is dealing primarily with the
types of food being eaten and sexual immorality, the overarching theme covers our entire existence.
Though our lives can be lived independently, we each should follow the guidelines outlined in the Word of God to manage our lives for His glory. Each of us should also erect guardrails to limit our access to unlawful and harmful thoughts, actions, activities, and behaviors.

In the final analysis, our independent existence is totally dependent on a loving and all-powerful God. We must recognize as we celebrate Independence Day that independence and freedom has its limits. And though Jesus secured our freedom more than 2000 years ago, I believe that He desires us to live Independently, Dependent – upon Him.

Lifelong Learning: Exploring, Growing, Sharing!

By Bonnie Polak, VP of Philanthropy and Community Engagement

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Tell me and I forget; teach me and I may remember; involve me and I
learn.” This is the perfect description of the Trinity Woods philosophy on lifelong learning. We know
our community members bring rich stories, experiences, and expertise to this community. Lifelong
learning has become a part of the culture and community members have really embraced sharing
their knowledge and their expertise.

Whether pursuing personal interests and passions or chasing professional ambitions, lifelong learning
can help us achieve personal fulfillment and satisfaction. It feeds our natural drive to explore, learn
and grow. It even encourages us to improve our own quality of life and sense of self-worth by paying
attention to the ideas and goals that inspire us.

As a way to give structure to the sharing of knowlege and expertise, the Trinity Woods Summer School
program began. Each year, since 2017, we have offered a variety of classes that allow community
members to expand their education and their passions.

“I am really excited about the classes for this year,” said Irene Brown, Life Enrichment Coordinator.
“This year’s classes, we hope, will offer something that piques an interest for everyone. We want
community members to embrace these lifelong learning opportunities.”

A special thank you to the Summer School instructors, all of whom live on the Trinity Woods campus,
for sharing and bringing excellent learning opportunities to this dynamic and curious community. “It
is truly wonderful to watch neighbors share their experience with each other to increase awareness
and personal growth,” said Irene. For more information about Summer School classes, please
contact Irene Brown at or

July STARS Employee of the Month

Laura Myers, Dining
» Start Date: January 2022
» Born and Raised: Tulsa, OK
» Wanted to be as a Kid: Archaeologist
» Family Recipe: Shepherd’s Pie
» Hobbies: Cooking and Yardwork
» Favorite Holiday: Halloween
» Favorite Saying: “Nothing changes…if nothing changes.”
» Spends Free Time: Cooking, Sleeping and Traveling
» Fun Fact: I am actually very shy when I first meet people.
» What her supervisor says: “Laura is a blast to work with. She is always smiling and laughing and truly
loves serving our members.” – Stacy Pine, Dining Supervisor

July STARS Employee of the Month

Cathy Green, Housekeeping Manager
» Start Date: August 2009
» Born and Raised: Tulsa, OK
» Wanted to be as a Kid: An Adult
» Described by Friends: Crusty on the outside but a marshmallow on the inside.
» Hobbies: Trail Hiking and Fishing
» One Food Forever: Pizza
» Special Skill: Fluent in Pig Latin
» First Job: Counting cattle on the trucks entering the stockyard
» Fun Fact: I have a minister’s license and officiated my son’s wedding.
» What her supervisor says: “Cathy is a loyal, hardworking, and a dedicated employee. She is very
dedicated to her staff and the members. Cathy is a hard worker, a pleasure to work with, and provides
excellent customer service to the Trinity Woods organization.” – Dennis Graham, COO

July Issue of The Trail Mix

In This Issue:

Summer School at Trinity Woods
We are excited to showcase the lifelong learning that is happening through the Trinity Woods Summer School programs. These classes are taught by our very own community members. We have a variety of different options sure to pique everyone’s interests. We announce the July STARS Employees of the Month – Cathy and Laura!

July Wellness
This month we welcome Lori Fullbright from Tulsa’s Channel 6, will tell us about the latest cons, frauds, and scams. We also have several concerts for all the music lovers in the neighborhood – Amt Cottingham and Eicher Thursday!

New Neighbors
Meet Donna and Carson and Tom!

July Availability
This month we are showcasing the residences in Crestwood. Click here for more information!

Good Samaritan’s Paving The Way

By Bonnie Polak, VP of Philanthropy and Community Engagement

I have heard it said many times that this community would not be what is, if it weren’t for the kindness of others. We are surrounded by reminders of the “Good Samaritans” who have ensured that this community and its mission have thrived for over 65 years. We could not do what we are called to do without these good Samaritans. We all know the story of the Samaritan who came to the aid of a fellow traveler, someone truly in need. Currently there are residents living in our Health Center who have outlived their financial resources, through no fault of their own. They are reliant on support from the Good Samaritan Fund, formerly the Supplemental Aid Fund. The fund was recently renamed to fi t the donors of this very special cause.

Each year we ask our community and generous supporters to give to this Fund. Over the past few years this Fund has become one of the most urgent and critical areas of need for the people living at Trinity Woods.

This Fund helps Trinity Woods residents when they need it most. If you feel led to help a fellow neighbor through the Good Samaritan Fund, please use the remittance envelope provided to make a donation. All donations are 100% tax deductible. You can even make a gift as an honorarium or memorial in the name of a friend who is living or no longer with us.

This year, with a gift of $300 you will receive a commemorative “brick” that will be engraved in your honor and placed in front of the Community Life Center. Our goal is to raise $150,000 for the Good Samaritan Fund. I hope you will partner with us to support this very important cause.

To support this very special mission please visit:

Who Is My Neighbor?

By Weldon Tisdale, Chaplain

“If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.” James 2: 8-9 NIV

The Apostle James provides his own version of loving thy neighbor, but first he emphasizes and clearly makes the distinction of class division. The book of James chapter 2 highlights for us the behaviors and parameters of who we deem as acceptable and who we consider as neighbors based upon worldly things: power and social status. I believe even today this is where we too struggle with loving our neighbors as God loves us. It is so easy for us to love those who look as we do, dress as we do and move in the same social circles as we do. But what becomes problematic is when we are asked to treat all those we encounter with love, respect, justice, and mercy.

It is easy to love those we self-define as worthy, but it is harder to love those who may be different than we are or those we prejudge and label. It is often difficult to widen the circle of life to include those we discriminate against, those whom we would rather not break bread with, those whom God has called us to include as sisters and brothers. James has much to contribute to our thinking about separatism and inclusion. He reminds and cautions us in chapter 2 verse 9 that in showing favoritism or disregard for the “other,” – we sin. What a sobering thought!

Who then is our neighbor? Our neighbor is anyone in our proximity with whom we can share God’s love. We love people by genuinely seeking what is best for them. Loving others does not mean agreeing with everything they say or do, nor does it mean acting in ways that always gain their approval. We love our neighbors when we have compassion for them and help meet their needs as we are able.

As we serve in the spirit of Christ, remember to always “love your neighbor as yourself.”

June STARS Employee of the Month

We are so excited to spotlight Rosal Osburn, CMA in the Holliman Center as the June STAR employee of the month! Rosal thank you for your outstanding customer service!

» Start Date: June 2003 (19 years!)
» Born and Raised: Philippines
» University: Holy Trinity University in the Philippines
» Wanted to be as a Kid: Flight Attendant
» Described by Friends: Caring person and a giver
» Hobbies: Traveling, cooking and watching sports on television
» Favorite Verse: “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm
» Collects: Angels and Crystals
» First Job: Telephone Switchboard Operator
» Fun Fact: She has traveled on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land
» What her supervisor says: “Rosal connects with residents, family and team members easily because of her passion to serve others.” – Jacob Will, VP of Health Services

Celebrating 10 Years of a Wellness Culture

By Jennifer Rawlings, Your Wellness Celebrating Guru

As we celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Crestwood and the Spann Wellness Center, I can’t help but reflect on the evolution of wellness at Trinity Woods.

As ingrained as Wellness is into our culture now, it’s hard to imagine a time when there wasn’t a Spann Wellness Center or even a Wellness platform. Believe it or not, there was a time when the fitness center consisted of a treadmill and an exercise bike in the basement of the Felt House. Fitness classes were held in the Fleming Center. Charter Club members (Crestwood waiting list) participated in fitness classes held in the Marketing office which was a lakeside home, and each area of the continuum operated as
an individual area, planning their own activities and programs.

The opening of the Spann Wellness Center allowed us to truly bring everyone on campus together and to offer much more. It has expanded our recreational programs like ping pong and pickleball, our functional fitness programs like boxing and line dancing, and our self-directed programs like indoor walking and weight training. The Spann Wellness Center allows both residents and employees to be physically fit as well as have social connection. There is not a day that the Spann coffee bar area isn’t hopping with residents gathering before and after class to enjoy each other’s company.

Through the last 10 years wellness has become the lifestyle for people choosing to move to Trinity Woods. We encourage everyone to take advantage of all the wellness opportunities that are offered. The Seven Dimensions of Wellness are not just a saying for us; it is part of our core culture and beliefs. Through physical, social, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, vocational, and environmental wellness, we have added value and purpose to so many individuals.

I could give you so many examples of community members who moved here simply because of our wellness model and culture. I love it when residents share their personal stories and photos that were all made possible by engaging in our wellness programs.

As I look forward to the next 10 years our goal is that everyone at Trinity Woods will be involved and engaged in wellness programs and that wellness will continue to evolve with new and current residents’ needs and interests. I am excited to see where the next decade takes us.

We Won! Thanks Tulsa!

Trinity Woods was named to the TulsaPeople A-List awards for 2022. Our thanks to you for your vote. Bigger thanks to the residents and Trinity Woods team for creating the kind of community that wins
awards. It’s your caring and compassion for your fellow neighbor that makes this a truly amazing place. Way to go Trinity Woods!

Look for the June issue of TulsaPeople to see a complete version of all the winners!

June Issue of The Trail Mix

In This Issue:

Good Samaritan – Paving the Way
This month we talk about being the Good Samaritan for your neighbor. We also celebrate 10 years of wellness at Trinity Woods. We look back at what we have achieve and honor those who began the journey with when we opened Crestwood. Join us for a Crestwood birthday party on June 10th! We announce the May STARS Employee of the Month – Rosal!

May Wellness
We announce Wendell Franklin, Tulsa Chief of Police, as the special guest for the annual Men’s Shindig. Featured events include a trip to Oklahoma City, Don Irwin piano concert, Richard Miller guitar concert and Book Club with Mary Helen Stanley, a community favorite.

New Neighbors
Meet Erna and Linda!

June Availability
This month we are showcasing the brand new Villa that is available. Click here for more information!

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