Community Life Center Year in Review

by Jennifer Rawlings, VP of Wellness

Where has the last year gone? I still remember the anticipation, and all the planning that went into opening the Community Life center like it was yesterday. When I reflect on all that we have provided in the Community Life Center, I can’t believe we didn’t always have this space.

Over the last year this space has bridge our community and provided Trinity Woods with so many new and enhanced opportunities and partnerships. The Community Life Center has exceeded our vision of being the “central hub” or “student union: of our campus. Our dream of organic member-driven programs has truly flourished. Our vision of the Community Life Center being a place where everyone on campus could gather for events and not have a waitlist for concerts and dinners in now a reality.

Even after a year the astonishment on peoples faces when they see the stage, the Steinway piano, the lights, the acoustics, and all the finishes is still invigorating. I love to watch relationships evolve through interactions that happen in the different sitting areas of the Community Life Center. These spaces have created opportunities for residents who live in all areas of the community to gather and read the newspaper, play pool and games, have fireside chats, and enjoy coffee together.

The Community Life Center has provided us with a place where people from across the campus can come together. A place where everyone is welcomed. A place that promotes enjoyment of life. A place whew new hobbies, skills and educational experiences can happen.

Our goal for the Community Life Center is to continue to provide a place for inclusion and where the whole-person wellness can continue to flourish.

We’ll be celebrating our first anniversary on August 11.

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