A continuation of 5 Steps to Successful Decision Making

Step 3: Surround yourself with highly qualified professionals.

You will likely need the services of an organizer/move manager, home repair contractors, realtor, senior living community personnel and others.  Take the time to interview these people and their services.  Get references.  Downsizing moves require service providers with specialized expertise and although you may have used such professionals before, when a move happens in the 7th or 8thdecade of life, wants and needs have changed.

OMM Welcomes Rebekah Wood as Student Artist In-Residence (SAIR)

Starting in August, OMM will be continuing our Student-Artist In-Residence (SAIR) partnership with the Theatre Department at Oral Roberts University. New this year will be the additional partnership with TimeSlips. This partnership incorporates the principles and techniques of Applied Theater and Creative Storytelling in the Healthcare Households to bring meaning, purpose and joy into the lives of elders through creative engagement. Adding the TimeSlips component to the SAIR program allows us to have additional resources and programs to enhance the programs we provide in the Health Center.

This year’s SAIR is Rebekah Wood, a sophomore at ORU majoring in Musical Theatre. Rebekah is from Austin, TX and has performed in over 17 plays including performances at ORU.

Rebekah’s goal with the SAIR and TimeSlips program is to engage members at OMM through improv, creative storytelling and drama. Serving and helping people is a strong focus for Rebekah and she is looking forward to making an impact in the elder’s day and bringing a smile to their faces, which is something that theatre can do for everyone who participates.

During Rebekah’s residency, she will live in the Felt House. She will be a present and supportive member of the OMM community by spending time daily and planning Creative Storytelling workshops for the elders.

OMM Highlights the August STARS of the Month

Congratulations to this month’s STARS employees,

Andrea Atkinson, the Tree Top Café Coordinator, and Claudia Dilday, the Housekeeping Supervisor. We are excited to recognize these outstanding OMM employees.

Andrea has been with OMM since June of 2000 and served in many different capacities. She truly loves making the Members happy and always has a smile. She was born in Clinton, OK and attend school at Burns Flat High School. In her free time Andrea enjoys listening to music, dancing, coloring and collecting frogs. Once on vacation in Cozumel, Mexico she even swam with dolphins. She has two grown daughters that live in Oklahoma. Next time you see Andrea give her a pat on the back for excellent customer service!
What her supervisor says “Andrea is a real team player who has taken ownership of the Tree Top Café and she puts our Member’s needs first!” – Chuck Lucia, Director of Food Services

Claudia is one of the “stars” of housekeeping. She has been with OMM since January of 2013. Claudia is originally from Germany and grew up in a little town in southern Germany just east of Stuttgart. In her down time, Claudia likes to read and spend time with family and friends. Her service philosophy is “I treat them the same way I like to be treated. I like to see them smile.” She is married and recently celebrated her 39th wedding anniversary on July 11 and has a grown son and daughter. A special thank you to Claudia for giving OMM members the star treatment.
What her supervisor says “Claudia is very reliable. She helps me keep things running smoothly and is very much a team player.” – Cathy Green, Housekeeping Manager

At OMM we take customer service very seriously. Each employee is trained through our Red Carpet Learning Systems training program. In these full-day training classes we focus on treating our customers like STARS.

A continuation of 5 Steps to Successful Decision Making

Step 2: Talk with your family and friends.
You’re not asking permission or even their opinions. When you do make a decision, it’s good to keep them in the loop. If later you find you need their help or advice, they’re at least informed of what your plans are. Share your plans. Find out if they have any questions or concerns. Sometimes, oddly enough, a move can be even more emotional for adult children than it is for their parents.

A continuation of 5 Steps to Successful Decision Making

Step 2:  Talk with your family and friends.

You’re not asking permission or even their opinions.  When you do make a decision, it’s good to keep them in the loop.  If later you find you need their help or advice, they’re at least informed of what your plans are.  Share your plans.  Find out if they have any questions or concerns.  Sometimes, oddly enough, a move can be even more emotional for adult children than it is for their parents.

5 Steps to Successful Decision Making

Making a decision to move to a community can be daunting.  Somewhere between touring communities, sorting through your possessions, choosing a new place to live and deciding what to take and what to leave it suddenly hits you…  it can be overwhelming.

Step 1:  Think about what would fit your lifestyle and what you may need for the future.

 The first step means doing some research. Consider your interests, financial situation, location of your friends and family and where you’d live with like-minded people.  Where have some of your friends/church members moved?  This is an important step even if you haven’t decided to transition yet.

Relationships are the key to happiness.

“If I had to pick one thing that’s the key to happiness, it’s relationships … the things we can do to broaden or deepen our relationships really lead to happiness.”— Gretchen Rubin, Author, The Happiness Project

Here at Methodist Manor the most undervalued, overlooked, the invisible benefit is the one of socialization…   loneliness is the new smoking…

If you have reached the point in your life where you see loneliness sneaking into your life, come visit us…. There are many yet-to-know best friends here already!

Keynote speaker Larry Minnix and his book, “Hallowed Ground: Secrets of Successful Aging”

 I highly recommend his recently published book “Hallowed Ground: Secrets of Successful Aging” .  The following are the primary points, but please go buy the book…. You won’t be disappointed.

On Monday, March 4th OMM  hosted Larry Minnix, the past CEO of Leading Age, the national association for not for profit senior living comunities.  He was the key note speaker for a kick -off meeting  for the matching fund raising challenge for the new Community Life Center. He was a delight to have visit and is a wonderful storyteller.

  1. Choose Your Ancestors Wisely
  2. Manage Your Lifestyle
  3. Cultivate an Attitude of Perseverance
  4. Avoid Giving Organ Recitals
  5. Cultivate Intimacy
  6. Laugh and Play
  7. Avoid Poisonous People
  8. Renew and Reengage Instead of Retire
  9. Plan to Live to 100 – Live Like There’s No Tomorrow
  10. Keep the Faith
  11. Grieve Without Regret
  12. Say Good-bye

STARS Employee Recognition


The Red Carpet Customer Service training is an exciting, fun, and interactive training program that has been initiated at OMM for all staff. There is quite a bit of excitement around Treating our Customers like STARS. First, we want each employee to literally experience what it feels like to be treated like a STAR!

The day-long training sessions have been conducted in the “staged” Crestwood theater, including a long red carpet that all participants walk down upon entrance into the room, being greeted with wild applause and smiling faces of managers and trainers!
We’ve learned how to:

S – Sincerely Welcome
T – Take note and adjust
A – Act with Urgency
R – Respond and React
S – Surprise and Delight

At the end of the day-long training we close with
a graduation ceremony where each receives a diploma, STARS pin, and have their photo taken for the STARS bulletin board near the employee break room as well as displayed on the TV screens in Crestwood.

You may have heard us talking about this great and awesome Red Carpet Customer Service training; we are truly excited about it!

As of the end of January 2019, 100 employees have been trained in how to treat customers like STARS! This year we are expanding to add employees from the Health Center as well as all new hires to experience this awesome training.

We are providing an ongoing full-day training and half-day refresher course to be sure this service is focused on as a part of the OMM culture.

In order to recognize and reward employees who provide STARS treatment, we are placing boxes and cards strategically around the community so that you, as Members, or staff may write down and submit a moment where you observed an employee providing STARS treatment.

Each month, these names will be taken out of the boxes and a panel will recognize one or two employees that have provided exemplary customer service. Their names and photo, along with a brief article about each, will be included in the monthly Manor Mirror.

Our goal is for Oklahoma Methodist Manor to be known as a provider of exceptional customer service

Community Opportunities Create Successes

Living at OMM lends itself to not only being a part of a community but to creating friendships. We have a sea of opportunities available to be connected and as we wrapped up 2018, we saw many people and groups come full circle in wellness. Here are just a few of our successes we want to celebrate!

In order to help maintain and not gain during the holiday season, a four-week machine circuit class was held in the Spann Wellness Center. This class was held twice a week and every person in the class increased their strength on an average of 10 pounds. Consistency is key and it pays off!

The Wellness Passport has been in place since 2013 and every year members gain a better understanding of the seven dimensions of wellness and how they fit into their lives and this year was no different. This four-month journey took dedication by the participants and they embraced the opportunities and traveled across the campus to participate in programs and events. Emily Wood was the overall winner for the 2018 Wellness Passport by scoring a total of 191.5 points out of a possible 279 points. The Passport gave Emily the opportunities to participate in exercise and mindfulness classes, be more active in OMM programs and has even brought her family closer together.

An eight-week Brain Study was held in the fall on the effects of exercise and the brain. The members took a pre-test and a post-test that tested their cognitive processing, coordination, delayed recall and reaction time and then met four times a week for 45 minutes doing dance aerobics, aerobic games, practicing mindfulness and puzzles. Margie exceeded the goals of this study and increased an average of 14% in each testing area. Other added benefits Margie experienced were weight loss, improved strength and more social interaction! She reaped the benefit of hard work and determination!

Would, coulda, shoulda!

Imagine having had the foresight to get land in Oklahoma back in 1889, or picking the Jets in the Super Bowl in 1968, or investing in Apple in 1980. Well, it’s kinda like that.

Would, coulda, shoulda! If you only knew then what you know now. Now you can. It’s never too late to get a smart plan for your future. Why not reserve a spot now on the OMM Wait List and look forward to living at Tulsa’s premier retirement community, Oklahoma Methodist Manor. Call 918.574.2590 to schedule a personal tour.

At OMM, we are always happy to show off this great community. Join us for one of our Information Sessions or call to schedule a personal visit. Visiting provides the perfect opportunity to see first hand how easy it can be to make OMM your home, and to meet and ask questions of members! Get the inside scoop from those that live here!

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