Trinity Woods Host Trunk or Treat!

Wednesday, October 30 from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. in the Community Life Center

This year we are excited to host a Trunk-or-Treat for Trinity Woods’ family and friends. Invite your grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or special children in your life to dress up and show off their costumes. Employees are encouraged to bring their children for this special event! Members can sign up to decorate their car trunk, golf cart or a table (inside the CLC) to pass out candy. Join us for this Trinity Woods family fun night!

Trinity Woods Host Trunk or Treat!

Friday, October 27 from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. in the Community Life Center

This year we are excited to host a Trunk-or-Treat for Trinity Woods’ family and friends. Invite your grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or special children in your life to dress up and show off their costumes. Employees are encouraged to bring their children for this special event! Members can sign up to decorate their car trunk, golf cart or a table (inside the CLC) to pass out candy. Join us for this Trinity Woods family fun night!

Trinity Woods Host Trunk or Treat!

Thursday, October 28 from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. in the Community Life Center

This year we are excited to host a Trunk-or-Treat for Trinity Woods’ family and friends. Invite your grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or special children in your life to dress up and show off their costumes. Employees are encouraged to bring their children for this special event! Members can sign up to decorate their car trunk, golf cart or a table (inside the CLC) to pass out candy. Join us for this Trinity Woods family fun night!

Trinity Woods Introduces new Director of Dining Services!

Richard Applegate is the newest member of the Trinity Woods Dining Service Team. Richard comes to Trinity Woods with over 15 years of culinary experience. He has spent his career working in the kitchen in some capacity or another.

“I am passionate about my work and my goal is to make sure that dining at Trinity Woods is the best that it can be.”

His background includes executive chef at a senior living community where he had oversight of all daily operations of the food and dining. Richard has also been featured on the noon Channel 6 cooking segment showcasing his talent and love of food. He has served as the chef for a catering company and a local casino and resort.

“I chose Trinity Woods because I like this type of environment and I have heard great things about this community,” said Richard. “I am looking forward to getting to know everyone and showing them my home style, made from scratch cooking with love.”

Fun Facts about Richard

Born and Raised: Tulsa, Ok
High School: Will Rogers High
Family: Married with three children – a son and two daughters
Interesting Fact: When I’m bored, I like to tie flies for fly fishing
Proudest Accomplishment: Opened a BBQ restaurant in Southern Texas
Wanted to be as a Kid: Pitcher for the Atlanta Braves
One Meal Forever: Steak and potatoes
Friends Describe Him: Very caring and loyal
Favorite Family Recipe: Pork and corn soup
Favorite Movie: Field of Dreams
Favorite Quote: “Grown men can learn from very little children for the hearts of little children are pure.” Black Elk of the Oglala Sioux

Tulsa District 9 Discussion

Special Guests Senator Dave Rader and Representative Carol Bush

Thursday, October 14 at 2 p.m. in the Fleming Center

Our two legislators for our District will be here to bring an update on what’s going on in the state legislature and talk about issues that affect you. They will also answer your questions. Dave Rader has been our Senator since 2016. He has lived 47 of his 63 years within the boundaries of our District and attended the University of Tulsa, majoring in Mechanical Engineering while playing football as a quarterback. He presently serves as Chair to the Senate Republican Caucus, as well as Vice Chair to the Appropriations Committee and Select Committee on Redistricting. He sits on the Finance Committee, Public Safety Committee, Energy Committee, Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services.

A native Tulsan, Carol graduated from Oral Roberts University and, prior to running for office, served a decade as executive director of the Tulsa Crime Prevention Network, the non-profit that put police and neighbors together to make us safe. Elected to the House in 2016, she serves on the following committees: Chair of Children, Youth and Family Services, A&B Health, Judiciary – Criminal, State and Federal Redistricting Tulsa County Subcommittee, Transportation.

Trinity Woods Introduces a New Member Engagement Software

After lots of training, editing, and adjusting, the time is finally here! We are launching Viibrant this month to the Trinity Woods community. We have several training sessions scheduled throughout the month to get everyone acclimated to the new system. The training sessions will be separated for Apple users, Android users, and desktop users. There will be several community members at each Viibrant training session to help answer questions and guide you along the way.

What will I learn in the training session?

• View and make reservations on the monthly Wellness Calendar.

• Register for upcoming events, programs, and fitness classes.

• Communicate with other community members.

• Access photo directory of community members.

• Submit important forms – replacement badges or absence notification.

If you don’t own your own computer or tablet, you should still attend a training session. Come learn what Viibrant is all about and see how it can work for you! We are excited to share this Wellness Engagement Technology with you. Contact Jennifer Rawlings at or 918.346.6663 with any questions.

Hearing Loss & Face Covering Frustration

Most of us have at least gotten used to wearing a face covering during the pandemic, but what we have not gotten used to is trying to understand what people are saying under that face covering. Until this new face covering requirement, I never knew how much I depended on reading lips and watching people’s facial expressions. Now I find myself turning toward to a conversation just to hear better. This pandemic has brought about all kinds of adjustments and adaptations to life and now communication is at the top of that list. As if communication was not already on this list of difficult things!

According to a survey from the Hearing Health Foundation, 87 percent of respondents were experiencing communication problems from face masks, so you are not alone when dealing with this frustration. So how can we adapt and try to eliminate some of the frustration that we have all felt while staying safe?

The best tip of all is to remember to be patient, kind and courteous. These three factors are key to all our success! If we are patient, kind and courteous we will all get through this together and be better communicators in the long run!

Tips and Resources pulled from UPMC Health Beat.

UTILIZE TECHNOLOGY. Check your smart phone for apps or applications like voice to text or hearing aid compatibility. Also, when you go to church or attend a concert or gathering, ask the venue if they have hearing aid assistive devices available.

BE PREPARED. When you are going to group meetings, concerts, or dinner make sure your hearing aid batteries are new or carry a backup.

TAKE NOTES. If you are only catching every other word, it might help to write them down so you can go back and try to connect the dots.

SPEAK SLOWLY AND CLEARLY. Do not exaggerate or overemphasize your words.

DO NOT SHOUT. Speaking louder does not always mean speaking clearly. When you shout it can make it harder to understand what you are trying to say.

THINK ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT. Try to avoid locations with a lot of background noise when having conversations. If this is not possible utilize some of the tips above.

IT’S OK TO REPEAT YOURSELF. Do not be embarrassed if you need to repeat yourself or if you need to ask someone to repeat themselves. We are all in the same boat!

For more information visit:

Finding your Silver Lining in the Midst of Change

Life has recently brought us a lot of change, from isolation, to wearing face coverings, loss of being able to connect face to face with loved ones and just figuring out the “new normal.” We have all had to find that silver lining in some aspect of our life over the last couple of months. More than likely we have all experienced some sort of loss or change and with that usually comes grief. Grief is triggered when we lose something that is important to us. Perhaps the most traumatic is when someone we love dies. However, grief can also occur when dealing with a pandemic or the loss of an in-person relationship, financial stability, disappointments, your home, a pet, or a personal belonging. Grief has the capacity to make us bitter or better. It all depends on the choices we make on our journey.

Unfortunately, few of us have been taught how to practice good grief. Grief is normal and, in fact, necessary to healing the deep, painful wounds caused by loss. Change in your life delivers several different physical and emotional symptoms. The way you feel and the actions you take during this journey are unique to everyone. With that in mind, we have engaged Dr. David Willets, a former pastor and certified grief counselor, to speak about the practical application of healing grief and finding your silver lining.

Dr. Willets has real-time experience on the topic of grief. He has served in local church ministry for more than 45 years. He has educational training in pastoral care and counseling. In 2004, David’s wife of 27 years and 18-year-old daughter were killed in an automobile wreck. Through this painful experience, along with his training, Dr. Willets brings sound psychological, spiritual, and applicable expertise to those on the journey of grief.

Have you experienced loss from the pandemic? Have you experienced the loss of a loved one? Have you had changes in your life that have been painful? Have you recently downsized or moved? Then this session is for YOU!

Friday, September 18 at 1 p.m. Fleming Center

For more information about Dr. Willets you can visit his website at

Acts of kindness are good for your health.

Fact. According to the Mayo Clinic, a leader in healthcare, acts of kindness aren’t just good for the soul, they are good for the body too. When we participate in acts of kindness our body releases oxytocin, a hormone that helps regulate our social and emotional response. The more oxytocin released, the more generous, kind and peaceful you are likely to feel. In addition, higher amounts of oxytocin is associated with less stress and better sleep. 

The best part? It is so easy for each of us to participate in acts of kindness. Here are a few ways to get that oxytocin boost and still follow social distancing guidelines: 

  • Are you picking up dinner at a local drive thru? If you have the extra cash, pick up the tab for the person pulling up behind you. 
  • Did you run to the grocery store to pick up some rolls of toilet paper or get the last few boxes of tissues? Leave your “extras” on a neighbor’s doorstep or in a mailbox. 
  • Get your kids involved in acts of kindness and create springtime version of Secret Santa by leaving small arts and crafts or drawings for random people in your community.   

Remember what Mr. Rogers said, “There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.”

This article courtesy of the Oklahoma State Department of Health.

Sanitize, Sanitize, Sanitize

Oklahomans are doing a great job implementing social distancing recommendations and observing guidance from state and local authorities, and while that means we are staying home and limiting our exposure to others, we still have essential needs that must be met. To meet those needs, Oklahomans still need to go to the grocery store to pick up bread and milk and eggs. We still have to put gas in the car. For others, delivery services have been critical – bringing food, toilet paper, and other items straight to our doors.

But wait. All those items that are coming into our homes, have been touched by multiple hands, traveled by plane, truck and car to reach you. But what can you do about that? You have to have these items, so how will you maintain your individual and household needs and also protect yourself from potential spread of COVID-19. Should we be worried?

Good news folks – the risk of COVID-19 spreading through your delivered groceries and bars of soap are pretty low. In fact, the CDC doesn’t recommend anything special for how you handle packages received in the mail, or that you pick up at the grocery store. The CDC does recommend you continue to observe social distance practices and remain vigilant in your personal hygiene. There are a few extra precautionary measures you can take to reduce risk even more when you are bringing goods into your home.

•If you are having food delivered, avoid direct contact with the food courier by leaving payment (if needed) outside the door and instructions on where to leave your food package. 

•When returning from a trip to the grocery store, gas station or food pick up, be sure to immediately wash your hands and any re-useable bags you may shop with. 

•Don’t leave empty take out boxes on your counters or other hard surfaces, make sure they land in your sink or your trash bin. 

•Continue to regularly disinfect high touch areas in your home – doorknobs, faucet handles, and light switches are examples. 

As long as we all keep doing our part, we can continue to slow the spread and flatten the curve here in Oklahoma. Let’s do this!

This article courtesy of the Oklahoma State Department of Health.

You Want Me to Stay Home for How Long?

As businesses, places of worship and schools continue to close, the reality of our new world is settling in, and we’re not sure entirely what to think of it. For many of us – this presents a minor inconvenience. Perhaps we have paid sick leave we can access, or a job that allows for remote work. However, for our friends, neighbors and family who work hourly jobs, asking them to self-quarantine is likely causing a lot of anxiety. How will I pay my bills? How will we cover our mortgage or rent? What happens when I miss my first paycheck?

We want to make sure you are taking the steps, and have access to resources to keep your spiritual, emotional and physical health up during these times. Here are some tips and resources to help you through it.

•Have a routine for you and other members of your household. You don’t have to get all dressed up like your leaving the house, but set alarms, have meals at a certain time and “schedule” the day as much as you can.  

•Keep up with your social engagements – virtually. Do you have coffee every Wednesday morning with the moms from the bus stop? Is there a regular happy hour you and your co-workers go to? Great! Pour your beverage of choice and set up a video chat with your service of choice.

•Find ways to keep exercising. Many gyms are now offering streaming workout classes to help people stay busy and active during times of self-quarantine.  Check out a list of options here. 

•Ask for help. If you’re feeling like it’s all too much, that’s ok. We understand that self-quarantine is a disruption in all of our lives, and depending on each of our unique situations, the stress, concern and anxiety may be different. If you need someone to talk to, call the disaster distress helpline at 1-800-985-5990 and talk to someone about how your feeling, and what you need.

Our community is so resilient. We have been through devastating natural disasters and acts of domestic terrorism. If you’re new to our state – know that while COVID-19 may be new to us, we are not new to responding and helping our fellow Oklahomans.

Article courtesy of the Oklahoma State Health Department.

Oklahoma Methodist Manor Statement on Employee Diagnosed with COVID-19

Tulsa, Okla. – Oklahoma Methodist Manor (OMM) has learned a supervisory employee has tested positive for COVID-19 (Coronavirus). The employee has been off work, and not present on our campus, since March 5, 2020. The employee had a scheduled day off on March 6 and did not start feeling symptoms of illness until March 7.

As is our standard practice during flu season, all employees who report any respiratory illness symptoms are directed not to report to duty. No residents are showing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. The employee has not had any contact with any resident in the past 19 days, so the presumed risk of transmission is low. As early as March 2, OMM had already put several protective measures in place, including the screening of all employees for illness. The foresight of OMM leadership and early adoption of those protective measures are believed to have prevented the potential spread of this virus.

The employee remains quarantined at home with family and has been under the care of a physician since March 10 for flu-like symptoms. Testing for COVID-19 was performed on March 16, but results were not available until yesterday. During this extended absence, the employee has maintained their income through OMM’s sick leave benefit.

“We have notified the Oklahoma State Department of Health and are following procedures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention,” said Steve Dickie, Chief Executive Officer. “The continued health and safety of our residents is our foremost priority.” Residents, their family members, and other employees were also notified of this discovery. OMM is working closely with state officials to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to continue to prevent the virus’ spread.

“We are taking every step as recommended by authorities to continue our work preventing the spread of this virus. We want to make residents, their families, our dedicated staff, and our community aware of this situation and reassure everyone that we are on top of the situation.”
Any media inquiries regarding this case should be directed to the Oklahoma State Department of Health.

COVID-19 Fact or Fiction

As we all try to navigate these challenging times, it is hard to distinguish between what is fact or fiction. Here is a great guide that the Oklahoma Department of Health has put together.

We all have heard or maybe we are saying “But I’m Not Even Sick!”

If you’re experiencing mild symptoms that feel like a typical common cold, or you don’t even have symptoms at all, it’s probably hard to understand the importance of staying home. We understand and want to stress that this is not about YOU.

It is about your grandparents.

It is about your aunt with high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes.

It is about the volunteers in the nursery at your place of worship.

It is about the hourly workers still making your coffee.

It is about the healthcare workers who continue to put themselves in harm’s way.

Right now they are asking all Oklahomans to be good neighbors.

•Limit your time out and about in the community to just the essentials.

•Observe social distancing guidelines. If you are waiting in line to pick up necessities at the grocery store, or need to pay for gas at the gas station, keep your distance from the next person in line, or ask the person behind you to take a few steps back if you need to.

•Practice good personal hygiene. Any time you interact with members outside of your own household, remember to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer when you return home.

•Pay attention to your surroundings. Are you in a crowded room with elderly? Is it hard to walk in between people to get to the counter? If you or someone you love is at higher risk, remove yourself from that situation.

While data continues to become available to help medical experts understand how COVID-19 is being spread, we know the best weapon is personal responsibility. Let’s make future generations proud of how we worked together to mitigate a public health crisis. Let’s serve as leaders in responding with empathy, compassion and respect for our neighbors.

Oklahoma Methodist Manor Breaking Ground Final Phase of Campus Redevelopment

New project expands OMM’s midtown services and amenities

Tulsa, OK – Oklahoma Methodist Manor (OMM) will break ground on two new Memory Care Assisted Living Households and a new Community Life Center during a ceremony at 3 p.m. on Monday, January 20th, in the Fleming Center on campus. The ceremony will include an address from Paula Marshall, CEO of The Bama Companies, in addition to the official groundbreaking and a reception.

OMM is committed to providing quality care for the growing number of people living with dementia, as well as serving their families. We are pleased to announce the groundbreaking on The Marshall-Gaddy House, made possible by Paula Marshall in honor of her mother and godmother. As well as The Barnes House, made possible by Jim and Mary Barnes. Each one-story, free-standing household will feature 12 private rooms, common spaces, and attractively landscaped outdoor spaces.

The construction will also include a new 14,000 square foot Community Life Center for all OMM residents. This new social venue will feature a theater, stage, event seating for over 250 people, and flexible space for smaller meetings.

“After opening 40 new assisted living residences in December, we are excited to begin the next phase of growth and change at OMM,” said Steve Dickie, CEO. “Our programs and services will be greatly enhanced by the new households and Community Life Center.” These projects complete the multi-year redevelopment of OMM’s 40-acre midtown campus located at 4134 E. 31st St.

For more than 60 years OMM has served Tulsa seniors “in the spirit of Christ.” The Generation to Generation Campaign raised $13.4 million to help enable these improvements. More than 250 donors contributed to the success of the campaign. OMM would like to acknowledge the generosity of everyone who made these dreams a reality.

The project is designed by Eppstein Uhen Architects, a Wisconsin-based firm specializing in senior living developments. Stava Building Corporation is serving as the construction manager and Prosperity Bank provided additional financing. To learn more about Oklahoma Methodist Manor visit

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About Oklahoma Methodist Manor

Since 1956, Oklahoma Methodist Manor (OMM) has been serving Tulsa in the spirit of Christ. Situated on a 40-acre campus in midtown Tulsa, OMM offers residential living, assisted living and nursing care. Oklahoma Methodist Manor is affiliated with the Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church.

About Eppstein Uhen Architects, Inc.

Eppstein Uhen Architects, Inc. is a full-service, 103-year-old design firm that specializes in several distinct markets: corporate, education, senior living, healthcare, residential, retail, public, industrial, mixed use, master planning and interior design. For additional information, visit

About Stava

Over the past 30 years Stava Building Corporation has grown into a well-known reputable construction company throughout the region.  As a locally owned and operated business, Stava’s team members deliver creatively diverse, quality focused, efficient driven projects, that are customized to fit the unique needs of each client.

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