STARS Employee Recognition


The Red Carpet Customer Service training is an exciting, fun, and interactive training program that has been initiated at OMM for all staff. There is quite a bit of excitement around Treating our Customers like STARS. First, we want each employee to literally experience what it feels like to be treated like a STAR!

The day-long training sessions have been conducted in the “staged” Crestwood theater, including a long red carpet that all participants walk down upon entrance into the room, being greeted with wild applause and smiling faces of managers and trainers!
We’ve learned how to:

S – Sincerely Welcome
T – Take note and adjust
A – Act with Urgency
R – Respond and React
S – Surprise and Delight

At the end of the day-long training we close with
a graduation ceremony where each receives a diploma, STARS pin, and have their photo taken for the STARS bulletin board near the employee break room as well as displayed on the TV screens in Crestwood.

You may have heard us talking about this great and awesome Red Carpet Customer Service training; we are truly excited about it!

As of the end of January 2019, 100 employees have been trained in how to treat customers like STARS! This year we are expanding to add employees from the Health Center as well as all new hires to experience this awesome training.

We are providing an ongoing full-day training and half-day refresher course to be sure this service is focused on as a part of the OMM culture.

In order to recognize and reward employees who provide STARS treatment, we are placing boxes and cards strategically around the community so that you, as Members, or staff may write down and submit a moment where you observed an employee providing STARS treatment.

Each month, these names will be taken out of the boxes and a panel will recognize one or two employees that have provided exemplary customer service. Their names and photo, along with a brief article about each, will be included in the monthly Manor Mirror.

Our goal is for Oklahoma Methodist Manor to be known as a provider of exceptional customer service

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