Growing and Serving Everyone in the Spirit of Christ

As the mission of Trinity Woods expands, we feel compelled to explore what’s next for our
community. For the past 15 years, the question “What’s next?” has been clear. As we enter
the next chapter, we are evaluating several ideas and options. One topic that keeps rising to
the top of every discussion is diversity and inclusion within the organization.

More and more organizations are learning that a strong business is one that includes people
with diversity of gender, race, and cultural background. In this article, I am hoping to outline
three ways Trinity Woods is advocating for more diversity and inclusion.

At the Board level. While there is gender diversity on the Board, there is not ethnic
diversity. The Governance Committee is exploring ways to increase diversity by recruiting
ethnic minorities to serve on the Board.

On the staff level. The need for eff ective training on cross-cultural communications
and sensitivity as well as implicit bias is important. Hiring managers and leadership are
undergoing training to deepen their understanding of the benefi ts of a more inclusive and
diverse team.

At the community member level. As a ministry we are asking those we serve: “How could
our community be more inclusive? Can we promote diversity in a way that would enrich our
lives as well as the lives of others?”

A Task Force is exploring options for the development of the adjacent property owned by
Trinity Woods. The purpose is to provide suggestions to the Board for how the property
could be used. This includes considering how our mission can touch a more diverse
demographic group.

In the months ahead I will report back on the next steps that our Board envisions. In the
meantime, please join me in praying for Trinity Woods that we may fi nd new and innovative
ways to grow and deepen our commitment to serve all people in the spirit of Christ.

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