Seven Dimensions of Wellness: Social

By Alison McMillan, Wellness Manager

When I was a child, my grandmother used to sing to me, “Make new friends, and keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold!” I never knew what she really meant until I was much older, but the intention there was to encourage me to continue being social and to grow my connections past the handful I
already had. Social relationships and friendships are extremely important in our lives and make up one entire dimension of the Seven Dimensions of Wellness.

As we age, social well-being becomes even more important than ever. According to the CDC, social isolation and Loneliness are significant health risks, increasing the risk of developing dementia, depression, heart disease, and more. The CDC also reports that nearly one fourth of adults over the age of 65 can be considered socially isolated. Conversely, the National Institute of Aging reports that people who regularly engage in meaningful and productive activities tend to live longer lives, have greater
mood boosts, and report feeling a strong sense of purpose.

There are many ways to increase your social activity to better care for your social well-being. One of them is through physical activity! A study published in June of 2021 found that increased physical activity in women over 60 helped foster social links to improve social relationships. Try an exercise class or join a walking group – it’s a good way to boost your social life by meeting new people and exploring new friendships. Another way is to find a new hobby or activity to explore. Not only will you learn a new
skill, but you will gain lifelong connections with people eager to meet you and teach you their interest.

Trinity Woods offers so many social opportunities. From Wii Bowling to Bingo, Fun Fit Boxing to Tai Chi, Weavers and Pickle Ballers, Walking Adventures, Concerts, and programs like Meet the Chef and Supper and a Show, there are endless options for attending social events. Each one is designed to help you fully
engage in Seven Dimensions of Wellness. Remember: building connections can lead to a healthier you.

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