Oklahoma Methodist Manor first opened its doors in 1956 with a single building housing 25 seniors. Since then, the organization has been constantly redefining itself to meet the needs of those it serves. Today, it’s a 40-acre campus offering the full continuum of care to nearly 400 members through residential homes and apartments, traditional assisted living, memory care assisted living, rehabilitative therapy and long-term care nursing options.

“Over the past several years, we have been working to create a culture that redefines aging. The new, more contemporary name of Trinity Woods celebrates our organic evolution from nursing home to life plan community,” said Steve Dickie, Trinity Woods CEO.

The name change is the result of nearly two years of strategic planning including feedback from Trinity Woods community members, board members, employees, and Tulsa community leaders. The outcome of the process was the board’s unanimous decision to change the name from Oklahoma Methodist Manor to Trinity Woods.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Name Change

Why are you changing the name from Oklahoma Methodist Manor?
While we will always hold dear our historical name of Oklahoma Methodist Manor, we want our name to accurately represent who we are today.
• Oklahoma is an overly broad term for the area we serve.
• Methodist often confuses people who believe we are open only to Methodists when, in fact, we welcome people of all faiths.
• Manor is a dated term that does not effectively communicate the friendly neighborhood feel that exists here.

Is Trinity Woods under new ownership?
No, we remain a separately incorporated not-for-profit, single-site, senior living community governed by an independent board. The board meets monthly and is responsible for upholding the mission and setting strategic direction for the organization. There is also a Community Member Council that includes elected representatives from the community. The Council advises senior staff on issues that affect the community.

What does Trinity Woods stand for?
• Trinity acknowledges our faith-based heritage and the connection between mind, body and spirit as well as faith, hope and love.
• Woods comes from our practice of using tree names for different campus locations. For example, Cypress Grille, Charter Oak Restaurant, Crestwood apartments, etc.

Why the tagline Belong. Believe. Become.?
These traits are central to who we are as a community. Belong – The immediate welcome people feel as neighbors here. Believe in new possibilities. Become by moving here to live life to the fullest.

Why is Methodist no longer in the name?
We are changing the name to eliminate confusion. Our community is not exclusive to Methodists. We welcome and cheerfully include all. We are an Equal Housing Opportunity organization.

Is the Methodist Church still part of Trinity Woods?
Yes. This community was founded by United Methodists who believed the cause of serving elders was worthy of their best effort. We value our heritage as an organization founded by the Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church. The desire to serve in the spirit of Christ is still the backbone of who we are today.

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