Acts of kindness are good for your health.

Fact. According to the Mayo Clinic, a leader in healthcare, acts of kindness aren’t just good for the soul, they are good for the body too. When we participate in acts of kindness our body releases oxytocin, a hormone that helps regulate our social and emotional response. The more oxytocin released, the more generous, kind and peaceful you are likely to feel. In addition, higher amounts of oxytocin is associated with less stress and better sleep. 

The best part? It is so easy for each of us to participate in acts of kindness. Here are a few ways to get that oxytocin boost and still follow social distancing guidelines: 

  • Are you picking up dinner at a local drive thru? If you have the extra cash, pick up the tab for the person pulling up behind you. 
  • Did you run to the grocery store to pick up some rolls of toilet paper or get the last few boxes of tissues? Leave your “extras” on a neighbor’s doorstep or in a mailbox. 
  • Get your kids involved in acts of kindness and create springtime version of Secret Santa by leaving small arts and crafts or drawings for random people in your community.   

Remember what Mr. Rogers said, “There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.”

This article courtesy of the Oklahoma State Department of Health.

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