Keynote speaker Larry Minnix and his book, “Hallowed Ground: Secrets of Successful Aging”

 I highly recommend his recently published book “Hallowed Ground: Secrets of Successful Aging” .  The following are the primary points, but please go buy the book…. You won’t be disappointed.

On Monday, March 4th OMM  hosted Larry Minnix, the past CEO of Leading Age, the national association for not for profit senior living comunities.  He was the key note speaker for a kick -off meeting  for the matching fund raising challenge for the new Community Life Center. He was a delight to have visit and is a wonderful storyteller.

  1. Choose Your Ancestors Wisely
  2. Manage Your Lifestyle
  3. Cultivate an Attitude of Perseverance
  4. Avoid Giving Organ Recitals
  5. Cultivate Intimacy
  6. Laugh and Play
  7. Avoid Poisonous People
  8. Renew and Reengage Instead of Retire
  9. Plan to Live to 100 – Live Like There’s No Tomorrow
  10. Keep the Faith
  11. Grieve Without Regret
  12. Say Good-bye

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