COVID-19 CEO Update – April 1

Thank you to the many members, staff and families who are supporting us with their prayers, donations and kind words during these unprecedented times. Here are some new procedures we are implementing, effective April 1 until further notice. We appreciate your cooperation. As always if you have concerns or questions, I encourage you to reach out to me or to another OMM staff person.

April 1 Reassessment of COVID-19 Responses

Two weeks ago, we imposed a set of protective measures for the OMM campus and promised that we would reassess those actions on April 1. Now, as we enter the third week of self-quarantine for the COVID-19 virus, the national, state, and local timeline for this battle keeps extending into the future. Mayor G.T. Bynum has said “At some point in the weeks ahead, just based on the math of contagion, (the virus) will begin to snowball, and then the bad part will be here. That is when all this talk about flattening the curve will quit being theoretical. Only then will we know if we did enough right now.”

Based on our commitment to reduce the possible risk of virus transmission for our campus, we are adding the following preventative measures effective April 1:

  • In keeping with state and local directives, the Tranquility Wellness Spa will be closed until further notice.
  • We are designating a smaller group of employees to serve at the West Gate entrance as their sole work assignment. In order to effectively limit risk, they will no longer be entering campus buildings. They will still deliver packages to various building entrances but will be wearing protective equipment such as gloves and face masks.
  • Deliveries will continue to be accepted at the West Gate. However, those deliveries will only be brought onto the campus between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. OMM families please make note of these changes, especially when delivering groceries. We will not be able to store perishable goods overnight at the gate.
  • We are coordinating with the various home care agencies who serve members of our community. We are requiring consolidation of their scheduling to permit the fewest number of to caregivers enter our campus.
  • We will be offering the opportunity, where possible, for employees to work remotely from home to decrease the potential for virus transmission and to comply with “Safer at Home” guidelines for administrative personnel. Other employees will restrict their on-campus travel and remain in or near their offices.  All employees, whether remaining in their office or working remotely, will continue to be accessible via telephone or email.

The steps already taken, and these additional steps bring us closer to “flattening of the curve.” Only once we see the number of cases peak and start to recede can we consider reducing any restrictions. We understand the discomfort and inconvenience caused by these actions. We ask for your continued patience and grace as we, along with our community, state, and nation battle this invisible enemy.

If You Are Not Feeling Well

Monitor your symptoms. If you feel short of breath, develop a cough, and begin running a fever of above 100 degrees, contact Lupina Fry at 918-346-6618 and call your doctor. You should not contact your neighbors for assistance if you feel unwell or are requiring care and you should not allow them to enter your residence.

What about medically necessary appointments?  We urge everyone to first consult with your medical provider by phone and avoid any off-campus travel that is not absolutely necessary. We strongly recommend rescheduling appointments to a later date when the healthcare system has this situation under better control.

I need in-home care coming into my home to help. Is that okay? You should consider home care workers and all OMM employees as possible exposure risks.  We are doing everything possible to mitigate that risk by screening all employees and home care workers, but you should still follow social distancing guidelines.

Will OMM still take checks to the bank for deposit?  We need to restrict these trips to only urgent deposits absolutely needed to cover expenses. Family members may do this for you, we can arrange for them to pick up your check at the West Gate.

Again, thank you for your support, please know how much we appreciate your patience, kindness, and trust as we are doing everything we can for our employees and residents.

Steve Dickie, CEO

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