Active Aging Week

Redefining Aging

Celebrating aging and the benefi ts of active living at any age, Active Aging Week showcases the capabilities of older adults as fully participating members of society. Initiated in 2003 by the International Council on Active Aging®, the weeklong campaign calls attention to and wholeheartedly celebrates the positivity of aging today. It showcases the capabilities of older adults as fully participating members of society and spotlights the role models that lead the way.

Active Aging Week challenges society’s diminished expectations of aging by showing that, regardless of age or health conditions, adults over 50 can live as fully as possible in all areas of life—physical, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, vocational and environmental. The objective of the annual healthpromotion event is to give as many older adults as possible the means to experience wellness activities and exercise in a safe, supportive environment. It also promotes the benefi ts of healthier, more active lifestyles across the life span.

The OMM Wellness Team invites you to take part in this year’s Active Aging Week focusing on “Redefi ning Aging” the week of September 30-October 4. Each day there will be several different events planned around campus.

“Learn Something New” Participate in the word games, campus wide crosswords and a presentation by Dr. John Ervin.

“Always Remind People You Care” Join us for Prayer Power Hour and Give a Hug, Get a Hug!

“Get Out and About and Drive Safely” Take a trip to the Tallgrass Prairie or learn about Driver Safety and participate in CarFit.

“Pay It Forward” Give advice to the next generation or participate in the OMM Spelling Bee.

“Be the Rainbow in Someone Else’s Cloud” Take the opportunity to share thoughtful phrases with your friends. You will also be able to get outside and have some fun in the Annual Shuffl eboard Tournament and outdoor games!

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