COVID-19 Update – Monday, May 18, 2020

Steve Dickie, Oklahoma Methodist Manor CEO, COVID-19 Update – Monday, May 18, 2020

Plans to Ease Restrictions on the OMM Independent Living Community 

We recognize the concern many OMM community members have voiced about the need to ease the restrictions imposed on the Residential Living community (Crestwood, Felt House, Villas, Patio Homes and Lakeside Homes.) In response to these concerns our Leadership Team has developed a plan to open the campus. What follows is our plan to progressively ease the restrictions for the community members of the Residential Living:  

Monday, May 18th   

  • The Spann Wellness Center reopens for individual workouts by appointment only. 
  • Staff-directed fitness classes will not resume at this time. 
  • The Swimming Pool and Hot Tub will remain closed. 
  • Staff-directed programming resumes with revised social distancing guidelines in place. (i.e., Bible study, Lunch-N-Learns, Wii Bowling and presentations.) 
  • The Hobby Zone, Members Club and Game Room will reopen with revised capacity guidelines to ensure appropriate social distancing.  
  • At this time, members still on quarantine cannot participate in programming or Spa Appointments. 
  • Weekly check-in calls with members will stop. Certain members may still receive calls and visits as needed. 

Friday, May 22nd  

  • OMM will resume transportation for community members to the grocery store for shopping.  
  • Residential Living Members may leave campus and return. OMM strongly cautions membersto only leave for essential tripsdue to the risk of exposure to COVID-19. Should a community member choose to leave campus, we recommend, the following: 
  • Limit the number of people with whom you have close contact.   
  • Clean your hands often, either with soap and water for 20 seconds or a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.  
  • Put distance between yourself and other people (at least 6 feet.)  
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others.  
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces daily. 
  • Members who leave campus will have a brief health screening upon their return.  
  • Visitors to all areas of the campus will still be prohibited, except for immediate family in end-of-life situations. 
  • If someone comes to OMM to pick up a Member, the Member should be taken to the west gate security building by another Member or transportation. 
  • Deliveries to the residential living campus will resume. 

InformationforPeople Under Quarantine  

  • The 14-day quarantine requirement will end unless a member has symptoms of a respiratory illness or has tested positive for COVID-19. 
  • Members that return from medically necessary appointments will not have to be quarantined.  
  • Members that have been living away from campus can return without having to be quarantined.  
  • Members that receive in-home care will not have to be quarantined.  

Visitors Still Prohibited in Healthcare Households andHolliman Center  

The Oklahoma State Department of Health continues to prohibit all visitation, except for end-of-life, into the Healthcare Households and Holliman Center. Accordingly, this prohibition will now extend to all Members of the Residential Living community. Deliveries to the Healthcare Households and Holliman Center must still be brought to the West Gate entrance.  

FactorsThat CouldInfluence Progress   

  • Suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 on the OMM campus. 
  • Increase in new cases, hospitalizations, or deaths in the Tulsa area. 

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