You Are God’s Masterpiece

By Weldon Tisdale, Chaplain

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 NLT

We all know what a masterpiece is. It’s a creator’s prized piece, his or her most valuable work. Artists are blessed if they have a single masterpiece. Few throughout history are fortunate enough to have had more. Beethoven is one of them. So are Vincent van Gogh and Michelangelo.

No artist, of course, compares to God. Imagine the most beautiful sights you’ve ever seen in creation. Maybe the snowcapped mountains, the northern lights, a field of brilliantly colored wildflowers or waves crashing into a towering cliff. Out of nothing, God brought forth these masterpieces. He saw them for what they were long before anyone else could – that’s how God sees you.

Today you may be surrounded by obstacles, and your greatest features might be hidden under layers of insecurity, fear, struggle or shame. Even as you read this, God is working to remove those layers. Just know that there is a masterpiece in you that you don’t have to prove, you just have to reveal. When
you do, the right people will recognize the masterpiece you are.

God chose you and molded you. Then He set you apart for His great purpose. The thing about a masterpiece is that it’s made to stand out. As many masterpieces as Beethoven, van Gogh and Michelangelo created, not one was the same. They each were wildly unique and were crafted to express a unique part of their creator’s heart. As are you!

You are no mistake, nor the product of some random chance. You are the outcome of God’s choosing, the result of His steady hand. Yes, you belong as you are with all your quirks and qualities, because with them, not despite them, you reflect something about God that the world needs to see. So, do not be afraid to stand out because that is what masterpieces do – “stand out.”

“You Are God’s Masterpiece!”
Partially adapted from

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