What I Am Doing Here?

By Duane Blankenship, Trinity Woods Resident

Janice and I lived in three wonderful homes east of Broken Arrow for a total of 46 years. In May of
2023, we acknowledged that we needed a plan that would define how and where we would spend
our Golden Years. Two weeks later we attended a presentation by Trinity Woods’ CEO Steve
Dickie and the sales team. Our eyes were opened! Early the next morning we headed to Trinity
Woods for a tour of available properties and received answers to all our questions.

Together, we had decided that now was a great time to implement plans for a final move. We
were getting older, had no relatives living near us, and did not want to leave the Tulsa area where I
had lived for nearly 60 years. Plus, I cherished the thought of no more mowing, edging, trimming,
replacing broken sprinkler heads, repairing or replacing appliances, making repairs to our home
and property as needed, no more utility bills, etc. And we did not want to be a burden to our kids
as we got older. Getting the idea?

We’ve now lived in our new Trinity Woods patio home for seven months and there is no place we
would rather be! Every aspect of Trinity Woods has exceeded our expectations! We love our new
home and the Trinity Woods community. It’s a perfect fit for us! We never expected to make so
many friends so quickly. There are so many activities in which to participate to keep our brains
and bodies healthy and the entire community is welcoming, helpful, friendly, and fun! Our kids
are delighted that we are so happy, and our friends compliment us for making the decision to
move to Trinity Woods.

Charter Oak, Cypress Grill and Tree Top, combine to provide exceptional dining choices for
breakfast, lunch and dinner. And all the food at Trinity Woods is excellent! Plus, seemingly endless
amenities, entertainment and opportunities for self improvement abound!
In short, Janice and I feel like we’ve moved to a fine resort to spend the remainder of our Golden
Years with wonderful, new friends!

And just for the record, we know what we’re doing with our future! Do you?

What Now?

Take the Next Step

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