By Welden Tisdale, Chaplain
As we embark on a new year, may we each take time to examine our lives in full – physical, mental, social, financial and probably most importantly, spiritual. It is the spiritual aspect of our existence that has the tendency and ability to strengthen and bring purpose to every other dimension of our existence. Without a firm grasp of who we are as spiritual beings our lives will bounce along with no true direction.
For Trinity Woods, spirituality and wellness are woven deeply throughout the fabric of the community, connecting residents with a sense of “belonging.” The common ground and relationships fostered help heal broken hearts, soothe the mind, bring warmth and caring relationships, and even have an impact on individual health. We call this aspect of the dimensions of wellness – Spiritual Wellness.
Spiritual Wellness, simply defined, is being connected to something greater than yourself and having a set of values, principles, morals, and beliefs that provide a sense of purpose and meaning to life, then
using those principles to guide your actions.
Different stages of life bring different needs, and things we did not have time for while managing careers and family can become more important. Many times, we may have put off spiritual wellness not realizing its importance to an overall healthy lifestyle.
At Trinity Woods there is a strong focus every day for community members and employees to practice the seven dimensions of wellness. Putting spiritual practices into place as we embark on a new year will go a long way toward helping you age well in mind, body and spirit.
Finding meaning and purpose may be a lifelong process that evolves based on unique circumstances, individual experiences and global events. Along with the other dimensions of wellness, a person’s
level of spiritual wellness often fluctuates throughout their life. It is natural to experience a variety of emotions along the path to spiritual wellness – both positive (hope, forgiveness, acceptance, joy) and negative (doubt, fear, disappointment, conflict).
Spiritual wellness has the power and capability to make our decisions and choices easier, ground us during periods of change and give us the resiliency to survive with grace and inner peace in the face of
adversity. Having a spiritual element in our lives may even help us heal when suffering from a physical or mental condition. Again, take time to examine your spiritual wellness and prepare for a totally healthy 2024.
Spiritual Wellness for 2024