May STARS Employee of the Month

Tim Woodard, Maintenance
» Start Date: January 2021
» Born and Raised: Miami, OK
» Favorite Sport: Football- Go Chiefs!
» Favorite Family Recipe: Fry Bread
» Hobbies: Woodworking and Golf
» Favorite Quote: “You’ll face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated.”
» Collects: Art (paintings)
» Favorite Movie: Top Gun
» Family: Five Kids and Nine Grandkids
» What his supervisor says: “Tim is a “handshake guy” which means, he does what is right and
what he says he will. His character is of a caliber you rarely see anymore. I am thankful he is with
us, working alongside us each day taking care of Trinity Woods residents and fellow employees.” –
Ty Westlake, Facilities Manager

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