March STARS Employee of the Month

David Kruse, Dining

» Start Date: August 2019
» Born and Raised: Tusa, OK
» Wanted to be as a Kid: Taller
» Favorite Sport: Marble Racing
» One Meal Forever: Kelsey’s Butter Chicken
» Hobbies: Longboarding
» First Job: Ranch hand
» Favorite Quote: “Don’t sweat the petty things and don’t pet the sweaty things.”
» First Car: 1988 Oldsmobile
» Favorite Movie: Interstellar
» Collects: 1995 coins or bills
» Free Time: Spending time with my daughter
» What his supervisor says: ““David is a very hard working and dedicated employee. He is always
willing to lend a hand when help is needed. We are lucky to have him on the team.” – Richard
Applegate, Director of Food Services

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