Holy Week

Easter is the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For Christian believers it is the highest of the holy days because this is the day Jesus soundly defeated death, hell, and the grave. Because of His resurrection, believers have a blessed hope of being raised together with Christ and the blessed assurance of spending eternity together with Him in their heavenly homes.

We are preparing for that great day of celebration during the Lenten season. To culminate this season, Christians make final preparations during the week before Easter/Resurrection Sunday known as Holy Week. It starts with Palm Sunday when Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem. The week leads us
through His trial, the Last Supper, His crucifixion, and ends on Easter Sunday with His resurrection.

This is the basis of Christianity; His sacrifice launched the New Covenant God promised and many had prophesied throughout the Old Testament. Each day of Holy Week allows us to peek into the heart of our Savior at intently close proximity. His love for us is reflected in every significant step toward the cross,
every breath up to the last, and His resurrection. Holy Week provides us the opportunity to reflect on and remember what Christ endured to secure our salvation.

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