Health Aging Month

By Alison McMillian, Wellness Manager

As we enter the final quarter of 2024, sometimes we are feeling the need for a refresh, rejuvenation, or a renewal. After all, September is a time of transition from Summer to Fall, and it also kicks off Healthy Aging Month.

Healthy Aging Month, recognized officially by the Senate in 2021, sprouted from the Healthy Aging Organization’s National Healthy Aging Campaign started in 1992 by the President of Healthy Aging.
This campaign is intended to focus on positive aspects of growing older to draw attention to healthy active lifestyles at any age. It also has been helping to chip away myths of aging.

According to a Harris Poll of over 900 adults over the age of 50, there has been a dramatic shift in the way that aging is defined and perceived, with almost 80% of those adults reporting being more active and almost 60% of them reporting being more open minded and curious about aging. The poll reports more modern older adults feeling happier, freer, and less anxiety ridden than before.

As they say at the Healthy Aging Organization, it’s never too late to take charge of your wellness! So take time this month to prioritize your wellness and refresh yourself going into Fall. Here’s some tips
from the Healthy Aging Organization to get you started:

Move more, sit less! It’s recommended to get about 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week. That’s only 20 minutes a day!

Watch your salt intake and eat more fiber. Adding fiber into the diet will help maintain good digestive health. Things like whole grains, broccoli, legumes, nuts, and more.

Be proactive with your social life. Set up lunch dates, outings, or meet-ups with new and old friends to combat loneliness.

Plan for your Next. Take up a new hobby, plan travels, forge new goals to accomplish.

Trinity Woods is celebrating Healthy Aging Month with Active Aging Week at the end of the month. Be on the lookout for fun activities, challenges, tips and tricks, and more from the Wellness Team.

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