December STARS Employee of the Month

Mandie Marler- LPN, Holliman Center

» Start Date: August 2013
» Born and Raised: St. Lucia, Caribbean
» Education: Connors State College
» Wanted to be as a Kid: Veterinarian
» Favorite Sport: Soccer
» One Meal Forever: Tacos
» Described by Friends: Funny but reserved
» Hobbies: Reading
» Favorite Holiday: Christmas
» Favorite Quote: “We got this!”
» Family Recipe: Curry Chicken
» Collects: Sunglasses
» Fun Fact: Plays the piano
» What her supervisor says: “There is no doubt that the residents are treated like family when Mandie is
working. Mandie goes above and beyond to ensure her residents are doing well, whether they are in the
hospital or in our Health Center. Mandie is always willing to lend a helping hand to ensure her team’s success.” – Britani Chappell, Director of Assisted Living

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