Be Well in the New Year

by Jennifer Rawlings, VP of Wellness

What if your health and well-being were your job? What if it was your top priority? It is the time
of year when most people set their goals and then want to see instant results.

I encourage you to resist the temptation to give up, especially if you don’t see immediate results after the first two weeks. Your health is a work in progress. You must find what works for you. Your success is built upon failures and trials. Never quit when you are struggling; you only fail when you quit. As long as you are working toward your goal, you are making progress. It doesn’t matter how slow or how fast you are going as long as you keep going. You are
worth it!

If your health is something you think about every day or even if it is something you only think about when you have to, you are still making progress by thinking about it at all. Your health is the product of small choices you make every day. Remember skipping one workout or eating one dessert doesn’t make you unhealthy and doesn’t derail your goals. However, skipping a workout more often than not and fueling your body with processed foods will take you farther and farther away from your healthy goals for wellbeing!

Make your health a priority to make your life better. Being well is not a punishment to your body, it is something you are doing that is good for you. Celebrate, embrace, and be proud of being well. It’s all about your mindset.

Love yourself and allow the struggle to help you grow. Enjoy the process; remind yourself of the small wins and focus on where you want to go. You owe it to yourself to do the best you can and invest in you!

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