A Culture of Courtesy: The Trinity Woods Difference

By Garrett Lee

When I first arrived as the new CEO at Trinity Woods, one of the first things I was exposed to in my onboarding was the Culture of Courtesy Guidelines. In reading through these guidelines and learning about the history and their implementation, my decision to come here was once again confirmed.

In my experience with being a part of a senior living community, I have found courtesy is the single most effective expression of extending grace to one another. That is what makes the difference.

Over time, courtesy has been defined in various ways, but at its core, it refers to polite behavior that reflects respect and consideration for others. The term has roots in medieval chivalry, where it initially referred to the manners expected in a royal court or among the nobility. Its meaning has broadened to encompass general good manners in social interactions that still stand to this day.

I believe the courtesy that is woven into the Trinity Woods resident and employee culture is important and is what makes us special or as we like to say “neighborly”. For our community to thrive and continue to be home to everyone who lives here, courtesy must be organic to our communication with each other and to our way of life. I am committed to prioritizing a culture of courtesy, always, as a core personal practice and as a core belief of Trinity Woods.

I leave you with these influential words from the great Maya Angelou “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”.

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