September Issue of The Trail Mix

In This Issue: Meet The New VP of Health Services!

We are pleased to welcome Emilie Creswell to Trinity Woods as the new Vice President of Health Services. Emilie comes to Trinity Woods with a wealth of experience in aging services. She has been a licensed long-term care Administrator for over 26 years!

 “I am excited to develop meaningful relationships with and serve alongside the remarkable team at Trinity Woods as we continuously improve both personalized quality of care and teh employee experience,” said Emilie.

Emilie is a highly knowledgeable senior living professional. Her balance of operational insight and relational style is a perfect fit for advancing and sustaining our health services. Emilie began her new role at Trinity Woods on August 28th. She is looking forward to getting to know the residents and their families and the Trinity Woods team.

In this issue we also highlight the Seven Dimensions of Wellness that are core to the Trinity Woods philosophy on aging and living well.

We also focus on Healthy Aging Month and focus on the positive aspects of growing older with a special article from Wellness Manager, Alison McMillan.

September STAR Employee of the Month announced – Adrienne!

September Wellness Events

This month is Trinity Woods’ annual Family Day celebration on September 7th. Fun for all around campus with model trains, petting zoo, photo booth and games galore! We also are featuring a Book Talk with author Julia Bryan Thomas and her book The Radcliffe Ladies’ Reading Club. And we can’t forget the concerts and shows – piano concert with Don Irwin and western show with Shelby Eicher, Jake Erwin, Steve Bagsby and Jacob Tovar! So much fun in the neighborhood!

New Neighbors
Meet Bob, Betsy and Joe and Jeanette!

Being a Good Samaritan

By Garrett Lee, Trinity Woods CEO

Most people long for peace of mind, security, and belonging. When the mission of Trinity Woods is successfully carried out, these are all gifts that residents can experience. I can think of no better demonstration of living out our mission to serve others in the spirit of Christ than what is modeled through our Good Samaritan Fund.

I’ve heard it said that it is more of a blessing to give than to receive. Clearly Trinity Woods recognized that all those years ago. They noticed that not only did we have an opportunity to serve and love each other in the spirit of Christ by the giving of our money and time but also, we have an opportunity to receive tremendous blessings by creating and giving to this Fund.

The need for benevolent care hasn’t changed, nor has the opportunity to be a part of something marked by generosity and kindness. Every year, we have the honor to serve people from all walks of life and every year, some of our precious neighbors through no fault of their own, experience something that can be traumatic; that is, they outlive their financial resources. Support comes to them through donors to the Good Samaritan Fund.

Each person who gives to this Fund is showing up for those who need help, and through this, we get the blessing of living out our promise at Trinity Woods to care for people for the remainder of their lives – allowing them to experience the amazing gift of peace of mind, security, and belonging.

Please join us as we carry out the responsibility of the Golden Rule and care for our neighbors. We ask you to prayerfully consider what your involvement in the Good Samaritan Fund could be this year, and I invite you to experience the blessing of generosity, as outlined to us through the life and ministry of Jesus. Click here to donate. For more information on how you can help, please call 918.346.6639.

Honoring Trinity Woods’ Longest Reigning Resident!

By Bonnie Polak, VP of Philanthropy and Community Engagement

This month, I took time to sit down with someone who needs no introduction to most people in the Trinity
Woods community – Philelle McBrayer. Philelle holds the honor and distinction of being the person who has lived here the longest – 29 years! In fact, the home she currently resides in is the place she has lived in the longest throughout her life.

Philelle’s ties to Trinity Woods, and Oklahoma Methodist Manor, are strong. Her parents built a villa on Sandusky back in 1979 that is still in use. She remembers them moving in on her birthday.

When asked about all the changes since then she will tell you, that the feeling of community has never changed. “The people are great and it is has been a wonderful place to live then and now.”

She remembers every time there has been a new building project on campus wondering how it would change things, and appreciating how it has always added something that was needed and important, making things better.

This year Philelle will turn 99 and she credits her long life to being blessed with good health. She has helped that along by being active – she walks and exercises, she still teaches piano, and is active in campus programs, as well as in her church community.

Looking back at her 29 years in the community, Philelle mentions her love of playing the piano with her most beloved friend Ann Dorff. Most people probably don’t know that this community is what brought this dynamic piano duo together. They have played over 25 programs together throughout the years.

Perhaps my favorite part about my time with Philelle was her words of wisdom…“Be active and accumulate friends.” And to that I say, well done, Philelle!

August STAR Employee of the Month

Cynthia Pettigrew, CNA
Health Center

» Start Date: February 2016
» Born and Raised: Tulsa, Oklahoma
» Education: Nathan Hale High School
» Wanted to be as a Kid: Dentist
» One Meal Forever: Chicken
» Described by Friends: Caring and Fun
» Hobbies: Reading Magazines and Spending Time with Grandchildren
» First Job: Braums
» Favorite Bible Verse: “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” Isiah 40:29 NIV
» First Car: Trans Am
» Family Recipe: Sweet Potato Pie
» Favorite Movie: The Help
» Collects: Candles
» Family: Married with four Children
» What her supervisor says: “Cynthia is loved by elders and family and puts forward her best everyday.” –
Harriet Zavala, Household Manager

The Unforced Rhythms of Grace

By Weldon Tisdale, Chaplain

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and
you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28–30 MSG

Do you feel as though you are trapped on a never-ending treadmill based on your own efforts to try to earn God’s forgiveness, approval and acceptance? If you are trying to earn your own forgiveness and thinking that God is constantly mad at you, I am here to tell you that is not the heart of God.

When Jesus spoke of “the unforced rhythms of grace,” He means that there is an ease and enjoyment when you walk in His grace. This contrasts with the struggle and strain found in self-effort. There is rest when you know there is nothing you can do to earn His forgiveness. It is freely given. Receive His forgiveness and stop punishing yourself, because your sins have already been punished on the body of another—His name is Jesus. No wonder the Gospel is called the Good News.

When you understand God’s grace and forgiveness, you will understand the difference between religious obligation and relationship. Under the old covenant of the law, right-living is done out of religious obligation. Under the new covenant of grace, everything we do today is birthed out of an inward
motivation that flows directly from a love relationship with Jesus.

God is not a legalist. He doesn’t want you to read His Word just because He said so, as a religious obligation. He wants you to experience His love and spend time in His Word because you want to enjoy His sweet presence. The reality is, when you don’t read the Bible, you should not feel guilty; you should feel hungry.

Jesus invites you to walk, work and watch in rhythmic timing as He does, and experience “the unforced rhythms of grace.” Keep company and in sync with Him and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly!

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