August Issue of The Trail Mix

In This Issue: Being a Good Samaritan!

When the mission of Trinity Woods is successfully carried out, there is no better demonstration of living out the mission of serving others in the spirit of Christ than what is modeled through the Good Samaritan Fund. The need for benevolent care hasn’t changed, nor has the opportunity to be a part of something so significant and full of kindness.

Each year we come together as a community to solicit funds for this very worthwhile cause. We ask you to prayerfully consider what your involvement in the Good Samaritan Fund could be this year, and I invite you to experience the blessing of generosity, as outlined to us through the life and ministry of Jesus.

We are also excited to announce the launch of the Trinity Woods Neighborhood App! This new technology addition is sure to be a great resource for classes, dining and staying in contact with neighbors.

There is a special feature honoring Trinity Woods’ longest reigning resident – Philelle! Don’t this month’s spiritual wellness article by Rev. Weldon Tisdale call Ordinary Times.

August STAR Employees of the Month announced – Cynthia!

August Wellness Events

This month’s featured events include more Summer School classes. We also are featuring a Book Talk by Connie Cronley. We are hosting several musical concerts with dance styles from India to recording artists Kelly Ford and Cathy Venable. To round out the dog days of summer we are having a Hot Rods and Hot Dogs car show! There’s never a dull moment in the neighborhood!

New Neighbors
Meet Tom and Donna, and Brad and Faith!

Ordinary Times

By Weldon Tisdale, Chaplain

The Christian year includes two central cycles focused on major events in the life of Christ: the Christmas cycle (Advent-Christmas-Epiphany) and the Easter cycle (Lent-Easter-Pentecost).

Each of these seasons begins with a time of preparation and anticipation followed by a time of celebration. A season designated as “Ordinary Time” follows each cycle. The word “ordinary” here does not mean “routine” or “not special.” Instead, it refers to the “ordinal numbers” (first, second, third,
etc.) used to name and count the Sundays (such as the third Sunday after Epiphany).

The first period of Ordinary Time, the Season after Epiphany, begins on Epiphany Day and ends on the day before Ash Wednesday (the beginning of Lent). The central theme of this season is the calling of disciples and the early ministry of Jesus.

The second period of Ordinary Time, the Season after Pentecost, follows the Easter cycle. It begins the day after Pentecost and continues to Advent. The purpose of this season is to support new disciples and the whole congregation in living out the gifts and callings discerned during the Easter Season and commissioned on the Day of Pentecost.

Every year, Christians experience the contrast between the central seasons of Christmas and Easter, where we see God in the events around the coming of Christ, and the in-between times, where we see, speak about and join God’s ongoing work in the world.

It is our human tendency to get excited about Christmas and Easter and for our attention and enthusiasm to wane in between. Yet, we should not confuse “ordinary” with “commonplace.” One writer, Bo McAllister tells us that “Ordinary Time is extraordinary because it reminds us that God is with us even in the day-to-day ordinariness of our lives. God wants to be in our everyday lives, even the parts we view as ordinary and mundane.”

We thus experience two regular cycles of preparation, celebration and action in ministry each year, with the Ordinary Times as the primary periods of action. Ordinary Times should be a call to action during the in-between times. We are in an “Ordinary Times” season. What actions will you take to advance the Kingdom of God? Let us enjoy the relaxed nature of summer but let us do so in a way that also celebrates the sacredness of “Ordinary Time

July STARS Employee of the Month

Sarah Shotwell,
Dining Team Independent Living
» Start Date: November 2023
» Born and Raised: Eufaula, OK
» Wanted to be as a Kid: Osteopathic Doctor
» Favorite Sport: Baseball
» One Meal Forever: Fettuccine Alfredo
» Described by Friends: Happy and Encouraging
» Hobbies: Reading and Being in Nature
» First Job: CNA
» Favorite Quote: Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
» Family Recipe: Brownies
» Favorite Book: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff
» Free Time: Spending time with Friends
» Fun Fact: Very Spiritual Person
» What her supervisor says: “Sarah has been a good addition to the Charter Oak team. She is very kind
and funny. She has been a delight to work with and I am looking forward to all she will bring to the team
and Trinity Woods.” – Stacy Pine

Trinity Woods Named Senior Care’s Best Places to Work!

Trinity Woods has been named as one of Senior Care’s Best Places to Work for 2024 under a new program from WeCare Connect – the industry leader in senior care surveys. We are delighted to announce we have met the rigorous benchmarks that signal excellence in care.

“We are so excited to receive this distinction. We pride ourselves on not just serving Tulsa seniors but also the people who choose to work in this industry. We love our employees and couldn’t be prouder to be named Senior Care’s Best!” says Garrett Lee, Trinity Woods CEO.

Why Senior Care’s Best?
For a long time, it has been difficult to measure and rank the qualitative benefits such as satisfaction and engagement that are critical to senior care. WeCare Connect uses the largest third-party survey data set in senior care from which to assess, certify and rank organizations as Senior Care’s Best.

About WeCare Connect
WeCare Connect is the industry leader in senior care surveys. They enable senior care organizations to act on what their employees, patients and residents care about most, ultimately helping them increase retention, satisfaction and organizational stability.

July STARS Employee of the Month

Nick Terrell, Dining Team Health Center
» Start Date: September 2020
» Born and Raised: Tulsa, OK
» Wanted to be as a Kid: Storm Chaser
» One Meal Forever: Red Hot Applesauce
» Described by Friends: Sensitive and Caring
» Hobbies: Crafts, Painting, Sewing and Embroidery
» First Job: Clerk for Reasor’s
» Favorite Quote: “Smile for the people in the grocery store.” – Allie Jensen
» First Car: 2008 Jeep Wagoner
» Favorite Movie: The Whale
» Favorite Book: Billions & Billions by Carl Sagan
» Collects: Uranium Glass
» Free Time: Hiking and Spending time with Family
» Fun Fact: Parents were professional clowns.
» What his supervisor says: “Nick is a pleasure to work with. He is very kind and compassionate when
dealing with the members. He always goes out of his way to make sure they have what they need.” – Liz
Misak, Dietary Manager

Announcing A More Secure Campus

By Bonnie Polak, VP of Philanthropy and Community Engagement

Trinity Woods is pleased to announce that we have started the process of gating the community. Over the past several months, informational meetings were held for residents to learn more about securing the campus by adding a gated entry system.

Gated communities are increasingly popular among seniors seeking a secure, serene, and sociable living environment. Some of the key features and benefits of a gated entry:

Enhanced Security and Privacy: By limiting access to residents and approved guests only, the gated entry system will significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized individuals entering our neighborhood.

Controlled Access: Residents will have the convenience of accessing the neighborhood seamlessly through the gated entry system, while guests will require approval from residents to enter.

Community Cohesion: The implementation of a gated entry system encourages a greater sense of community by fostering a shared commitment to safety and security among residents.

“This is a great opportunity for our community,” said Garrett Lee, Trinity Woods CEO. “I am even more excited to announce that this project has been fully funded with donations and pledges. It speaks volumes that we have such support for this project and how it will add to the community.”

We thank the people who supported this effort with their prayers and contributions. The project is already under way, and we expect to break ground in the coming months. The estimated completion date of the project is the end of the year, weather permitting.

Why Making Your Wishes Known is Important.

It’s a difficult conversation to have. While no one knows when that time will be, as we grow older, the question comes with more urgency. Making your wishes known is crucial for several reasons, as it helps ensure that your preferences and values are respected, particularly in situations where you might not be
able to communicate them yourself. Here are some key points highlighting the importance of this practice:

1. Personal Autonomy: Clearly articulating your wishes helps maintain your autonomy by ensuring your decisions are honored.

2. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your desires will be respected can provide significant peace of mind. This applies to both you and your loved ones.

3. Avoiding Conflicts: When your wishes are explicitly known, it reduces the potential for conflicts among family members and friends.

4. Legal Considerations: Specifying your wishes in legally binding documents like living wills, advance directives, or powers of attorney ensures that your instructions are followed in accordance with the law.

5. End-of-Life Decisions: Making your end-of-life preferences known is particularly important to ensure that your dignity is maintained, and your end-of-life care aligns with your values.

6. Financial Management: By making your financial wishes known, you can ensure that your assets are managed and distributed according to your desires.

7. Organ Donation and Funeral Preferences: Indicating your preferences for organ donation and funeral arrangements can relieve your family of making difficult decisions during a time of grief and ensure your wishes are honored.

8. Communicating Values and Legacy: Beyond practical considerations, making your wishes known allows you to communicate your values, beliefs, and legacy. This can provide guidance and inspiration to your loved ones and ensure your personal and family values are upheld.

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