By Lupina Fry, Wellness Nurse
It’s funny how time changes our perceptions of what is considered normal. Not long ago, the word cancer was taboo. Lack of community involvement made the fight for your life one you fought almost alone. But time and understanding, and increased support have changed things, and it took a while to
get there. The diagnosis of dementia is following the same slow path.
Today we acknowledge that dementia issues are a real challenge to our collective future. All of us are likely to encounter cognitive challenges with those around us. Science tells us as we age one in four of us will be diagnosed with some type of dementia. And that person will need at least three people to provide adequate care. It can be a difficult road for each person in that scenario. With support, compassion and understanding for a person living with dementia and their loved ones, we can make a difference. Trinity Woods is a dementia friendly community, and we are proud of the work we’ve done to support families and loved ones living with dementia. We understand it takes a community to change the tide.
In the next few months, a series of presentations will be held to learn more about dementia and dementia care. Topics will include communication techniques, care challenges, the effects of different types of dementia diagnoses and a path forward. Whether you, your friend or a loved one has been diagnosed,
join us. Check your Trinity Woods calendar for information on the date, time, and location or call 918.346.6618.
Trinity Woods: A Dementia Friendly Community