Thank you for the Opportunity to Serve

By Garrett Lee, New Trinity Woods CEO

One thing we know for sure is that everything changes, right? Ecclesiastes (and the Byrds, circa 1967) inform us that there is a time for everything under the sun and a time to embrace. We have the privilege of embracing change together with the transition in leadership from Steve to myself.

I’m grateful for the divine timing of this transition and the symbolism that the Spring season sheds over this period; that is, we get to honor and remember yesterday, and experience the new growth and beauty that is possible because of a rich, cultivated foundation. Too deep for my first message to you? Oh, the fun we are going to have!

I cannot tell you how excited I am to join the Trinity Woods family and help continue the good work that has gone on here for many years, making it the amazing place it is today. Perhaps what I am most looking forward to is getting to know and building meaningful relationships with each of YOU.

We each bring a uniquely gifted set of personality, skills and perspective to this community which results in what I’ve experienced so far: a warm, welcoming, friendly and active environment at Trinity Woods. So, my message to you today as we start this new journey is simply thank you!

Thank you, Trinity Woods, for this opportunity to come alongside and serve with you. Thank you for sticking it out this last year through the CEO search and, thank you in advance for everything you are doing and will do to help make this leadership transition a seamless and successful one for everybody. I look forward to meeting each of you!

Garrett Lee
Trinity Woods, CEO

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