By Bonnie Polak, VP of Philanthropy and Community Engagement
What does it mean to leave a legacy? Simply put, it means leaving your mark on the future and making a contribution to future generations. At Trinity Woods those people are part of our Tin Man Society. Each member of the Society will be part of this community long after they are no longer living here. Imagine helping a future neighbor at Trinity Woods that you don’t even know and hasn’t even selected Trinity Woods for their home yet.
To join the Tin Man Society, simply inform us that you have provided for the mission of Trinity Woods in one of these seven ways.
1. Will or Revocable Living Trust: Designate a specific or percentage amount to go to Trinity Woods, Inc. A contingency bequest allows Trinity Woods, Inc. to receive the remainder and residue of your estate if other beneficiaries are deceased or cannot inherit.
2. Permanent Endowment: Current gifts that establish a permanent endowment to benefit the
3. Charitable Gift Annuity: You transfer your cash or property in exchange for a guaranteed fixed income (with rates based on your age) for the rest of your life.
4. A Charitable Remainder Trust: This type of gift pays you an income for life. With an Unitrust, there is the potential that your income could increase over time with growth in the trust. An annuity trust pays out a fixed amount each year based on the value of the property at the time it is gifted.
5. Insurance Policy: You can give your life insurance policy to Trinity Woods and receive a charitable income tax deduction. Then make deductible contributions each year that we may use to pay the premiums. You can also designate Trinity Woods as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy.
6. Beneficiary on Investment Account(s): Beneficiary designation on IRA’s, CDs, commercial annuities,
savings accounts, and savings bonds. Also, if you are 70 ½ or older, you can make a gift of up to $100,000 to Trinity Woods from your IRA to meet your annual distribution requirement. By making an IRA
charitable rollover gift, you are able to avoid taxes on the IRA distribution while supporting our charitable
7. Donating your Membership Fee: A simple amendment to your Membership Agreement is an easy
way to give your eligible entrance fee refund. Contributing your entrance fee refund directly to the
fund of your choice is a simple way to benefit the community you call home as well as, there is no out-of-pocket expense to create the gift.
If you have any questions about any of these gift options, please contact our legacy office at 918.346.6639. By doing any of the above, one becomes a member of the Tin Man Society. We hope you will prayerfully consider leaving a lasting legacy. Trinity Woods is a community of kind and compassionate
people and through their generosity, others will be able to experience it for years to come.
Legacy Gifts and Becoming a Member of the Tin Man Society