July STARS Employee of the Month

Nick Terrell, Dining Team Health Center
» Start Date: September 2020
» Born and Raised: Tulsa, OK
» Wanted to be as a Kid: Storm Chaser
» One Meal Forever: Red Hot Applesauce
» Described by Friends: Sensitive and Caring
» Hobbies: Crafts, Painting, Sewing and Embroidery
» First Job: Clerk for Reasor’s
» Favorite Quote: “Smile for the people in the grocery store.” – Allie Jensen
» First Car: 2008 Jeep Wagoner
» Favorite Movie: The Whale
» Favorite Book: Billions & Billions by Carl Sagan
» Collects: Uranium Glass
» Free Time: Hiking and Spending time with Family
» Fun Fact: Parents were professional clowns.
» What his supervisor says: “Nick is a pleasure to work with. He is very kind and compassionate when
dealing with the members. He always goes out of his way to make sure they have what they need.” – Liz
Misak, Dietary Manager

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