God is Love

By Weldon Tisdale, Chaplain

February is the month most often associated with love. We start seeing cupids and hearts in the stores and begin thinking of what to give the one we love. Valentines become available in January for sending to loved ones in February. This is a good month to think about what real love is. There are three kinds of love.

*Eros – This is erotic love. It is the first stage of a romantic relationship. It can be felt when you don’t even know the person who is the object of this love. It is a physical love centered on self.
*Philos – This love is based on a friendship between two or more people. It is based on give and take. It is a love that is centered on self but also others. This is “brotherly” love.
*Agape – This is totally selfless and unconditional love. It is love given without expectation of receiving any benefit in return. This is Spiritual love, and it is the highest form of love.

God is love. Here are examples of God’s Agape love:
*God demonstrated His agape love. Even though we were not worthy of His unconditional love, He sent His Son to die as a sacrifice for our unworthiness. We do not deserve His love, but He loves us anyway. Romans 5:8

*Jesus loves me in the same way that God the Father loves Him. He wants me to feel secure in that love. Jesus wants me to love others in the same way He loved me. John 15:9-13

*I am certain that nothing will ever tear me away from God’s love. Nothing in this life or the next, nothing seen or unseen, not even my own fears or worries, absolutely nothing can separate me from God’s love. That’s indescribable love.
Romans 8:38-39

*God is love. The Bible says that when I live in this love, I live in God and God lives in me. I have seen the ability to love others grow in me. Because I love God, I can love other people. I love because God loved me first. 1 John 4:16,19

*Allow the love of God to overwhelm your life this month and the rest of 2024 and then watch how your love for God and self will extend to loving others.

True love, that is deep, abiding love that is impervious to emotional whims or fancy, a choice. It’s a constant commitment to a person regardless of the present circumstances.
Mark Manson

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