Jacob Dill, Maintenance
Start Date: March 2019
Born and Raised: Sapulpa, OK
Education: Sapulpa High School
Wanted to be as a Kid: Fisherman
Favorite Sport: College Football
One Meal Forever: Steak
Described by Friends: Funny and Caring
Hobbies: Hunting, Fishing and Camping
Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
Favorite Quote: “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.”
Family Recipe: Cherry Blob
Favorite Movie: The Great Outdoors
Collects: Rocks
Motivated By: My Family
Family: Married for 2.5 Years
What his supervisor says: “Jacob came to Trinity Woods shortly after graduating high school. It has been
awesome to see him mature into a young man who has a true passion for taking care of the members here.” – Ty Westlake, Facilities Manager
December STARS Employees of the Month