Trinity Woods



Why Making Your Wishes Known is Important.

It’s a difficult conversation to have. While no one knows when that time will be, as we grow older, the question comes with more urgency. Making your wishes known is crucial for several reasons, as it helps ensure that your preferences and values are respected, particularly in situations where you might not be
able to communicate them yourself. Here are some key points highlighting the importance of this practice:

1. Personal Autonomy: Clearly articulating your wishes helps maintain your autonomy by ensuring your decisions are honored.

2. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your desires will be respected can provide significant peace of mind. This applies to both you and your loved ones.

3. Avoiding Conflicts: When your wishes are explicitly known, it reduces the potential for conflicts among family members and friends.

4. Legal Considerations: Specifying your wishes in legally binding documents like living wills, advance directives, or powers of attorney ensures that your instructions are followed in accordance with the law.

5. End-of-Life Decisions: Making your end-of-life preferences known is particularly important to ensure that your dignity is maintained, and your end-of-life care aligns with your values.

6. Financial Management: By making your financial wishes known, you can ensure that your assets are managed and distributed according to your desires.

7. Organ Donation and Funeral Preferences: Indicating your preferences for organ donation and funeral arrangements can relieve your family of making difficult decisions during a time of grief and ensure your wishes are honored.

8. Communicating Values and Legacy: Beyond practical considerations, making your wishes known allows you to communicate your values, beliefs, and legacy. This can provide guidance and inspiration to your loved ones and ensure your personal and family values are upheld.

July Issue of The Trail Mix

In This Issue: Gating The Trinity Woods Community!

Trinity Woods is pleased to announce that we have started the process of gating the community. Over the past several months, informational meetings were held for
residents to learn more about securing the campus by adding a gated entry system.
Gated communities are increasingly popular among seniors seeking a secure, serene, and sociable living environment.

We thank the people who supported this effort with their prayers and contributions. The project is already under way, and we expect to break ground in the coming months. The estimated completion date of the project is the end of the year, weather permitting.

We are also excited to announce Summer School classes. For the eighth year in a row, we are proud to offer Trinity Woods Summer School with a plethora of classes, all taught by Trinity Woods community members! There are 12 different classes this year, some with multiple sessions. Since classes are held right on campus and at different times, you can easily take part in every single class if you wish. We are very grateful to the instructors who are sharing their time and wealth of knowledge with their neighbors.

Don’t miss wellness feature articles: Rev. Weldon Tisdale and Making Your Wishes Known.

July STAR Employees of the Month announced – Sarah and Nick!

July Wellness Events

This month’s featured events include a the Annual Independence Day Parade and Ice Cream Social with special Grand Marshall WWII Veteran Dick Willhour. We also have Joshua Taylor in the Young Talent Discovery Concert. And don’t forget Supper and A Show with Preservation Barber Show Quartet. There’s never a dull moment in the neighborhood!

New Neighbors
Meet John and Donna, and Rhonda!

June STARS Employee of the Month

Leslie Sones, CMA, Health Center

Start Date: July 2022
Education: Edison High School and Tulsa Community College
Wanted to be as a Kid: Nurse
Favorite Sport: Football
One Meal Forever: Tacos!
Described by Friends: That she looks serious but is funny.
Hobbies: Reading and Writing Poetry
First Job: Kentucky Fried Chicken
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Bible Verse: “When a man’s ways please the
LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.” Proverbs 16:7
Family Recipe: Sweet Potato Pie
Favorite Movie: Waiting to Exhale
Favorite Book: The Babysitters Club series by Ann M. Martin
Collects: Coffee Mugs
Free Time: Spending time with grandkids
Fun Fact: She has a fear of mermaids
Family: Mother of four children
What her supervisor says: “Lesile is very caring to elders and staff. Is always willing to help out.” – Harriett Zavala, Household Manager

Balance Through Yoga

By Wellness Manager, Alison McMillan

While it may be the end of spring, it’s always a good time to think about fall. No, not fall the season where the leaves change and the weather cools, but rather tumbles, stumbles, trips, and spills. One in four Americans over the age of 65 fall each year and almost 40% of those who fall suffer injury from it. While there’s a variety of factors that can cause an increased risk of falling, such as medications, loss of strength and balance, increased trip hazards at home, and lack of sufficient nutrition, there are also ways to mitigate and reduce your fall risk.

One of those ways is Yoga! Yoga has been growing in popularity in senior Americans. In fact, participation has doubled in the last 10 years; no wonder since yoga can be practiced by virtually everyone!

By practicing slow movements with holding poses, yoga helps to build strength throughout the body – legs, arms, and most importantly the core. It also helps to improve flexibility in stiff muscles and joints. Many poses enhance stability and balance and teach the body how to adjust to changes in its position.
It requires the participant to practice focus and concentration on their body.

Yoga poses improve the mind-body connection through coordination and mindfulness exercises. It requires the body and the brain to speak to and understand each other, which builds stronger neurological connections. The nature of the weight bearing yoga poses help to strengthen bones therefore helping reduce the risk of a fracture should you fall.

To celebrate International Yoga Day, Trinity Woods is offering yoga classes twice-a-week by Julie Clemons! Julie is certified through YogaFit and has been teaching yoga for 18 years. Julie says, “If you want to get out of bed a little easier in the morning and who doesn’t – try yoga!”

Father’s Day

By Weldon Tisdale, Chaplain

Psalm 68: 5 – “He is a father to the fatherless…” (Living Bible)

The campaign to celebrate the nation’s fathers did not meet with the same enthusiasm as the nation’s campaign to celebrate mothers – perhaps because, as one florist explained, “fathers haven’t the same sentimental appeal that mothers have.”

On July 5, 1908, a West Virginia church sponsored the nation’s first event explicitly in honor of fathers, a Sunday sermon in memory of the 362 men who had died in the previous December’s explosions at the Fairmont Coal Company mines in Monongah, WV, but it was a one-time commemoration and not an annual holiday.

The next year a Spokane, WA woman named Sonora Smart Dodd, one of six children raised by a widower, tried to establish an official equivalent to Mother’s Day for male parents. She went to local churches, the YMCA, shopkeepers, and government officials to drum up support for her idea, and she was successful: Washington State celebrated the nation’s first statewide Father’s Day on June 19, 1910.

Slowly, the holiday spread. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson honored the day by using telegraph signals to unfurl a flag in Spokane when he pressed a button in Washington, D.C. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge urged state governments to observe Father’s Day.

In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson proclaimed that the third Sunday in June would be officially known as Father’s Day, saying that we look to fathers to “provide the strength and stability which characterize the successful family.” In 1972, President Richard Nixon made the day a national holiday.

On this Father’s Day, June 16, 2024, our nation will pause to celebrate our fathers. But it might be difficult for some of you to celebrate because your father is no longer around. Or maybe your relationship with your father is broken, or not what you hoped it would be.

Even if you can’t celebrate with your earthly father on Father’s Day, you can still celebrate with your Heavenly Father. King David writes in Psalm 68:5 that God, our Heavenly Father, is “Father to
the fatherless…”

If you belong to God, then you have a great Father. And because you are His, you can never be called fatherless. The Lord even have you His name to wear. Wear it with pride. You are a treasured member of His family.

Embracing the Journey: The Wisdom of Age and Living Life to the Fullest!

n a world where youth often takes center stage, there’s an invaluable treasure trove waiting to be discovered in the wisdom of age. Life is a journey, with its peaks and valleys, its triumphs and

One of the most profound lessons we learn from the wisdom of age is the art of resilience. Life is
rarely a smooth sail; it’s the storms that teach us to adjust our sails. Through the lived experiences
shared in these pages, we discover that change does not mean roadblocks but opportunities for growth. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a career setback, or a health challenge, the wisdom of age teaches us to weather the storms with fortitude and emerge stronger on the other side.

Moreover, wisdom underscores the importance of relationships in shaping our lives. From the bonds forged with family members to the friendships cultivated, it’s the connections we nurture that sustain us through life’s ups and downs. Through the lens of age, we come to realize that it’s not the quantity but the quality of our relationships that truly enrich our lives. Investing time and energy in building meaningful connections at all ages becomes paramount, reminding us that love and companionship are the true currencies of life.

Perhaps the most profound lesson gleaned from aging is the importance of living with intention and purpose. The wisdom of age implores us to seize each moment, to savor the simple pleasures, and to pursue our passions with unwavering zeal. Whether it’s pursuing a long-held dream, giving back to the community, or simply finding joy in everyday moments, living life to the fullest means embracing each day as a gift and making the most of the time we have.

Even the Bible tells us that a long life brings wisdom and understanding. Leaning into what we learn over the years is a valuable key to enjoying your life and aging gracefully—something the residents of Trinity Woods excel at. As you will see in this issue, a few members have shared their insights on what makes life satisfying and sweet at any age.

Trinity Woods Named one of Senior Care’s Best Places to Work!

Trinity Woods was named as one of Senior Care’s Best Places to Work for 2024 under a new program from WeCare Connect – the industry leader in senior care surveys. We are excited to announce we have met the rigorous benchmarks that signal excellence in care.

“We are so excited to receive this distinction. We pride ourselves on not just serving Tulsa seniors but also the people who choose to work in this industry. We love our employees and couldn’t be prouder to be named Senior Care’s Best!” says Garrett Lee, Trinity Woods CEO.

Located in the heart of Tulsa, Oklahoma the Trinity Woods campus (formerly Oklahoma Methodist Manor) is 40 acres of scenic beauty, full of life, and great neighbors. This is a place where people come to live! We call it “neighborly” and that is probably an easier definition but being neighborly comes from being kind. We are kind to each other. We are kind to strangers. We serve in the spirit of Christ.

For more than 65 years, we have created a unique place where our kindness and faith are only matched by our love of this community. It is a place where the mind, body, and soul are nourished through fellowship. Through laughter. Through contentment. Through one another.

Why Senior Care’s Best?

For a long time, it has been difficult to measure and rank the qualitative benefits such as satisfaction and engagement that are critical to senior care. WeCare Connect uses the largest third-party survey data set in senior care from which to assess, certify and rank organizations as Senior Care’s Best. Look for certified organizations to find the most trusted and exceptional senior care providers around.

About WeCare Connect

WeCare Connect is the industry leader in senior care surveys. We enable senior care organizations to act on what their employees, patients and residents care about most, ultimately helping them increase retention, satisfaction and organizational stability. Senior Care’s Best from WeCare Connect acknowledges top-performing organizations for results that come to light through our robust survey methodology.

June Issue of The Trail Mix

In This Issue: Embracing the Journey!

At Trinity Woods we encourage people to live their best life and embrace retirement the way they always dreamed! In this issue we explore the wisdom that comes with aging and being open to the next chapter of life. Perhaps the most profound lesson gleaned from aging is the importance of living with intention and purpose. The wisdom of age implores us to seize each moment, to savor the simple pleasures, and to pursue our passions with unwavering zeal. Whether it’s pursuing a long-held dream, giving back to the community, or simply finding joy in the everyday moments, living life to the fullest means embracing each day as a gift and making the most of the time we have. As you will see in this issue, a few members have shared their insights on what makes life satisfying and sweet at any age.

What you will see as you read their advice is a poignant reminder that age is not merely a number but a testament to the richness of lived experiences. It’s a celebration of resilience, love, growth, and purpose—a testament to the enduring human spirit. So, let us heed the wisdom of age, for within its embrace lies the key to living a life of meaning, fulfillment, and abundance. We invite to the Trinity Woods way to belong, believe and become!

Your won’t want to miss special feature articles: about Father’s Day from Rev. Weldon Tisdale; Better Balance with Yoga from Wellness Manager Alison McMillan; and learn more about the Administrators in Training we are hosting at Trinity Woods.

June STAR Employee of the Month announced – Leslie!

June Wellness Events

This month’s featured events include a Young Talent Discovery Concert presented in partnership with Celebrity Attractions and the Tulsa PAC Trust, The Discovery Awards highlight and award excellence in high school musical theatre. A book review from Jeffrey Schmidt is Associate Professor of Marketing & Supply Chain and Associate Director, Marketing and Supply Chain Management at the University of Oklahoma. Don’t forget about the annual Men’s Event with guest speaker National Football League referee Clay Martin. And more concerts, classes and outings!

New Neighbors
Meet Jerry and Julie, and Phala!

Thank you for the Opportunity to Serve

By Garrett Lee, New Trinity Woods CEO

One thing we know for sure is that everything changes, right? Ecclesiastes (and the Byrds, circa 1967) inform us that there is a time for everything under the sun and a time to embrace. We have the privilege of embracing change together with the transition in leadership from Steve to myself.

I’m grateful for the divine timing of this transition and the symbolism that the Spring season sheds over this period; that is, we get to honor and remember yesterday, and experience the new growth and beauty that is possible because of a rich, cultivated foundation. Too deep for my first message to you? Oh, the fun we are going to have!

I cannot tell you how excited I am to join the Trinity Woods family and help continue the good work that has gone on here for many years, making it the amazing place it is today. Perhaps what I am most looking forward to is getting to know and building meaningful relationships with each of YOU.

We each bring a uniquely gifted set of personality, skills and perspective to this community which results in what I’ve experienced so far: a warm, welcoming, friendly and active environment at Trinity Woods. So, my message to you today as we start this new journey is simply thank you!

Thank you, Trinity Woods, for this opportunity to come alongside and serve with you. Thank you for sticking it out this last year through the CEO search and, thank you in advance for everything you are doing and will do to help make this leadership transition a seamless and successful one for everybody. I look forward to meeting each of you!

Garrett Lee
Trinity Woods, CEO

Getting Outside Is Good For Your Health

By Lupina Fry, Wellness Nurse

Springtime is a beautiful season with bursts of bright greens, pinks, and yellows everywhere you look. However, simply observing it through your living room window may not be beneficial for your overall health. According to the National Library of Medicine, spending time outdoors and in nature can significantly improve your physical and mental well-being.

In just 20 minutes, being outside can improve your physical wellness by increasing your Vitamin D level, which is important for bones, blood cells, and the immune system. Spending time in green spaces, at least 2 hours a week, can help reduce cortisol levels, decrease muscle tension, and lower blood pressure. Walking in nature or doing regular exercise, can lead to improved digestion, heart and lung
health, and weight loss while maintaining muscle strength. Additionally, it positively impacts circadian rhythm, which improves sleep quality.

Being outside in nature can improve mental health by improving our thinking, reasoning, and other cognitive abilities. It brings feelings of pleasure that can reduce stress, anxiety, tension, and mental fatigue. There are many ways to make getting outside part of your routine.

“The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heaves, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. … I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.”
Ann Frank

For example, if you need to make a phone call, take it outside. Take up a hobby such as outdoor photography or bird watching. Invite a friend to sit outside with you and find a location where you can enjoy nature together such as one of the benches on the Trinity Woods campus. Get outside and enjoy nature and don’t forget to take your shoes off and feel the grass beneath your feet- it feels wonderful!

Is a Life Plan Community/ Continuing Care Retirement Community Right for You?

Life Plan Communities or Continuing Care Retirement Communities (communities like Trinity Woods) can be a wonderful solution for older adults who are independent and active today, but who seek the peace of mind that comes with living in a community that can provide assisted living or health care services if and when needed. But how do you know if a CCRC is right for you?

If you answer yes to most of these introductory questions, then it may be worth exploring your options further:

Do you want to downsize your homeowner responsibilities? (interior/exterior maintenance and repairs)

Do you like to plan ahead to control, reduce or eliminate the uncertainty about future housing and health care costs?

If you ever need assisted living or advanced healthcare services, do you want assurance that such services are guaranteed and provided by the community in which you live?

Would you prefer a social and active community environment—with various services and amenities available to you—that also affords you privacy and independence?

Are you interested in having easy access to a variety of wellness programs and other activities?

Would you like to reduce the number of meals you prepare by having access to a meal plan and possibly bistro-style dining options?

Do you want to reduce the chance that your adult children or other family members will be responsible to provide or coordinate assisted living or nursing care if you need it?

Are you prepared to possibly pay an entry fee and monthly service fees in exchange for the above?

Content provided with express written permission from myLifeSite |

God Made You To Be You

By Weldon Tisdale, Chaplain
“Just be yourself!” The resounding encouragement most likely to be spoken to someone doubting their abilities. In the smash hit Frozen, Elsa had to learn to be herself, discarding the “conceal” message her parents had instilled in her as a child and harnessing her unique powers for the good of her kingdom.
In the smash hit Coco, young Miguel had to break out of the “make shoes” message of his parents and learn to be himself, a music-loving Mexican singer who brought joy to his village.

How does God feel about this message to “be yourself”? After reading the Bible, I would say that God cautiously loves it. We see God’s love for our uniqueness in Paul’s masterful analogy of the human body “God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be” 1 Corinthians 12:18. Just as God wants elbows to be elbows and eyeballs to be eyeballs, so also God wants you to be you. The idea that we are unique and are uniquely made for a purpose is wonderfully biblical. That begs the question—Who are you?

I’ve come to realize that I can read faster, write more clearly, and speak more easily than the average person. For me, “be you” looks like investing as much of my time into these God-given talents so that more people can get connected to Jesus.

And you? Are you wired for emotion, compassion, or comforting people? Do you have the courage to take that first step as a leader? Do you have the ability to come up with fresh ideas? I don’t know exactly how God made you, but I do know that God made you to be you…for Him. Because when you are who God created you to be for Him, you’ll be the best you possible.

Adapted from Pastor Mike Novotny at

May STARS Employee of the Month

Sandra Price – Dietary Aide

Start Date: December 2010
Born and Raised: Tulsa, OK
Wanted to be as a Kid: Fire Fighter
Favorite Sport: Hopscotch
One Meal Forever: Pork Chops and Cabbage
Described by Friends: Nice, Kind and Giving
Hobbies: Watching Movies
Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
Favorite Bible Verse: “Honor your mother and father.”
Family Recipe: Sweet Potato Pie
Favorite Book: Bible
Collects: Old Coins
Free Time: Watching grandkids.
Fun Fact: I like to have fun and play jokes!
What her supervisor says: “Sandra is always kind and compassionate with the members. She is willing to help staff and members daily. She is a pleasure to have on the Dietary Team and dependable.” – Liz Misak, Dietary Manager

May Issue of The Trail Mix

In This Issue:

Garrett Lee, New Trinity Woods CEO,

A new era is beginning, not only for Trinity Woods, but for newly hired CEO Garrett Lee. With over 16 years of combined executive-level operational, finance, compliance, and acquisitional experience, in the health care industry Garrett is ready to start his journey with Trinity Woods.

Garrett writes an open letter to the Trinity Woods community expressing his excitement for this new opportunity. “I cannot tell you how excited I am to join the Trinity Woods family and help continue the good work that has gone on here for many years, making it the amazing place it is today. Perhaps what
I am most looking forward to is getting to know and building meaningful relationships with each
of YOU.”

Your won’t want to miss special feature articles: one from Tom Simmons, Trinity Woods resident, about growing a garden. The other asks the questions, is a Life Plan Community right for you?

May STAR Employee of the Month announced – Sandra!

May Wellness Events

Wellness Nurse, Lupina Fry, encourages us to get outside for better health. With springtime in our grasp is the perfect time to observe nature and receive mental and physical health benefits.

This month’s featured events include a performance from Tulsa Performing Arts Center’s Orbit Initiative, amateur senior thespians from around Tulsa, who will be performing Cinderella. Supper and a Show will feature young professional singers and Trinity Woods audience favorites Sam Briggs and Alex Johnson, accompanied by pianist Christy Stalcup, present a program all about spring. And more concerts, classes and book reviews!

New Neighbors
Meet Zella!

The Heart of Rock and Roll…and the Brain…and the Body!

By Alison McMillan, Wellness Manager

Crank the tunes and jam out to improve your health! No, really! Music has an astonishing and profound positive effect on our bodies in so many ways.

Several studies done regarding music’s activation of the brain have found that not only does it stimulate the sound reception areas in your brain, but it also activates the parts of the brain involved in memory, emotion, and the motor system. Because of that kind of widespread activation, it’s been shown that music
can help stroke survivors recover their ability to speak and move.

One study showed that participants who took a weekly dance class saw improved Parkinson’s symptoms including improved speech, better balance, reduced tremors, and more. Another study showed positive effects on Alzheimer’s by music stimulating the brain to grow new nerve cells, build new neuron connections, and stimulate dopamine – a neurotransmitter that typically is deficient in Alzheimer’s, and that impacts mood and executive skills like memory, problem solving, and inhibition control.

Not only does music impact the brain positively, but it creates positive effects in the circulatory system too! It stimulates the autonomic nervous system which controls the cardiac and respiratory systems. One meta-analysis showed that slower music tempo led to reduced blood pressure and heart rate which helps the physical body and the mind relax. Participating in music by singing means expanding and using the lungs, controlling your breathing, and thus improving lung function. It can even help reduce shortness of breath and help improve the strength of your respiratory muscles.

Music can also improve your performance during physical activity and exercise. Some studies found evidence to support music increasing endurance and adherence to activity, improving blood flow and helping the heart rate and blood pressure return to a normal resting state faster after exercise, and reducing exercise-perceived exertion, helping you get more out of your workout.

With all these awesome benefits, why not press play on your favorite song the next time you exercise, work around the house, or wind down after a long day before bed? Or, take a music based class in the Spann Wellness Center! The Spann Wellness Team offers a class for tapping, line dancing, and a cardio and strength rhythm-based class, and new to the schedule is a music opportunity that allows for any style of dance. Also, the Trinity Woods Chorus starts again in April. Make sure you check out the Wellness Calendar for class days and times.

Trinity Woods: A Dementia Friendly Community

By Lupina Fry, Wellness Nurse

It’s funny how time changes our perceptions of what is considered normal. Not long ago, the word cancer was taboo. Lack of community involvement made the fight for your life one you fought almost alone. But time and understanding, and increased support have changed things, and it took a while to
get there. The diagnosis of dementia is following the same slow path.

Today we acknowledge that dementia issues are a real challenge to our collective future. All of us are likely to encounter cognitive challenges with those around us. Science tells us as we age one in four of us will be diagnosed with some type of dementia. And that person will need at least three people to provide adequate care. It can be a difficult road for each person in that scenario. With support, compassion and understanding for a person living with dementia and their loved ones, we can make a difference. Trinity Woods is a dementia friendly community, and we are proud of the work we’ve done to support families and loved ones living with dementia. We understand it takes a community to change the tide.

In the next few months, a series of presentations will be held to learn more about dementia and dementia care. Topics will include communication techniques, care challenges, the effects of different types of dementia diagnoses and a path forward. Whether you, your friend or a loved one has been diagnosed,
join us. Check your Trinity Woods calendar for information on the date, time, and location or call 918.346.6618.

April STARS Employee of the Month

Cecelia Moti, LPN, Health Center

Start Date: June 2022
Born and Raised: The countryside of Kenya
Wanted to be as a Kid: Police Officer
Favorite Sport: Field Hockey
One Meal Forever: Corn and Beans and Mashed Potatoes
Described by Friends: A good storyteller.
First Job: Teacher
Motivation: My 3 a.m. calls with my mother who reassures me that I’m at the right place, at the right time, with the right people, and to always pray.
Favorite Movie: Gran Torino
Favorite Book: The River and the Source by Grace Ogolla
Free Time: Play acoustic guitar.
Fun Fact: She is a minimalist and never celebrates birthdays.
Favorite Bible Verse: Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalms 46:10
What her supervisor says: “Compassion, professionalism, and exceptional care – Cecilia embodies the true essence of a caregiver who goes above and beyond for the well-being of our elders here at Trinity Woods.” – Anderson Bambokile, Priddy Harbor Household Manager

Seasons of Change and Transition

By Weldon Tisdale, Chaplain

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8 (NKJV)

Through seasons of change and transition, we can rest assured that one thing never changes, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.” As we look at what the Bible says about the divisions of the year known as the seasons, we find assurance for the seasons of our lives as they change and transition. In the Bible, winter, spring, summer, and autumn are spoken about in relation to the agricultural
activities of planting, growing, and harvesting. The seasons of change and transition are also used to describe the lives of God’s people.

Everyone will experience change; however, change is not always the problem, it’s the transition or the adjustment to or acceptance of change. In other words, my difficulty lies in transitioning my internal
response to the external stimuli of change.

Change and transition are related concepts, but they have distinct meanings:
*Change refers to an alteration in a situation, circumstance, or condition. It can be external or internal.
*It is often visible and tangible—for example, moving to a new city, switching jobs, or adopting a new hairstyle.

Change can be sudden or gradual, and it can be planned or unexpected.
In an organizational context, change might involve restructuring, process improvements, technology upgrades or new leadership at the top.

*Transition goes beyond the surface-level change. It encompasses the psychological and emotional process that accompanies change.
*It involves adjusting to the new reality, letting go of the old, and embracing the unknown.
*Transitions are more about the internal journey—the feelings, thoughts, and adaptations.
*In an organizational context it can be when someone retires: the change is leaving the workplace, but the transition involves finding a new sense of purpose and identity.

In summary, change is the external shift, while transition is the internal process of adapting to that change. Both are intertwined and essential for growth and development. And remember we can all rely upon the One who does not change, Jesus Christ, to help us face all of life’s personal transitions.

April STARS Employee of the Month

Tasha Thomas, CMA, Memory Care Assisted Living Houses

Start Date: August 2023
Born and Raised: Okmulgee, OK
Wanted to be as a Kid: Ballerina
Favorite Sport: Track and Field
One Meal Forever: Lasagna
Described by Friends: Goofy and very friendly
Hobbies: Writing Poetry and shopping
Favorite Bible Verse: The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. Psalms 23
First Car: 1991 Mazda 626
Favorite Movie: Sleepers staring Robert DeNiro
Favorite Book: While My Pretty One Sleeps by Anne Canadeo
Motivated By: Knowing one day someone will care for me and I would like to be treated well.
What her supervisor says: “Tasha is a ‘one of a kind’ employee. She demonstrates all the values of Trinity Woods. She is honest, dependable, kind and is an asset to have on our team.” – Kathy Cloyde, Memory Care Households Manager

20 Years of Serving in the Spirit of Christ

By Steve Dickie, CEO

Serving Trinity Woods for the past 20 years has been one of the greatest privileges of my career.
This month I want to take the opportunity to say thank you as we pass the torch to a new leader.

What warms my heart as I say “goodbye”? I am thankful for the strong governance provided by the Board. I am grateful for the dedication and commitment of my colleagues on the leadership team. I am appreciative of all the love and support offered by the members of this great community.

As we look back on the last 20 years who could have imagined all the progress we would make as an organization? Moving to a person-centered model of healthcare, completing the development of Crestwood, promoting whole-person wellness, building the new Holliman Center, adding Memory Care Assisted Living, and completing the Community Life Center have all been major accomplishments!

Nothing is more gratifying to me than to witness the positive impact Trinity Woods has on the people and the families we serve.

Trinity Woods has an outstanding Mission: Serving the Trinity Woods family in the spirit of Christ. None of us lit the flame. That happened 68 years ago! But we are all responsible for keeping the flame of the mission of Trinity Woods burning bright.

I am pleased to share the Board voted unanimously to hire Garrett Lee as the next CEO of Trinity Woods. Next month’s issue of the Trail Mix will be devoted to introducing Garrett to the community. I look forward to seeing all that God still has in store for Trinity Woods.

Your neighbor and friend,
Steve Dickie

Please be watching for communication about events to honor Steve.

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