August STAR Employee of the Month

Cynthia Pettigrew, CNA
Health Center

» Start Date: February 2016
» Born and Raised: Tulsa, Oklahoma
» Education: Nathan Hale High School
» Wanted to be as a Kid: Dentist
» One Meal Forever: Chicken
» Described by Friends: Caring and Fun
» Hobbies: Reading Magazines and Spending Time with Grandchildren
» First Job: Braums
» Favorite Bible Verse: “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” Isiah 40:29 NIV
» First Car: Trans Am
» Family Recipe: Sweet Potato Pie
» Favorite Movie: The Help
» Collects: Candles
» Family: Married with four Children
» What her supervisor says: “Cynthia is loved by elders and family and puts forward her best everyday.” –
Harriet Zavala, Household Manager

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