September STARS Employee of the Month

Adrienne Rider, Weekend Concierge

» Start Date: February 2024
» Born: Purcell, OK
» Raised: Oklahoma and Texas
» Education: San Angelo, TX
» Wanted to be as a Kid: A Teacher
» Favorite Sport: Softball
» One Meal Forever: Steak and Potatoes
» Described by Friends: Outgoing, Friendly, Helpful and Direct
» Hobbies: Reading!
» First Job: Babysitting
» Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
» Favorite Quote: This too shall pass.
» Family Car: 1976 Pinto – Orange and White
» Family Recipe: Mom’s Chocolate Cake
» Favorite Book: Goodnight Moon
» Free Time: Reading and playing with granddaughter
» Family: Two-time Cancer Survivor of 20 years!
» What her supervisor says: “Adrienne is a fantastic employee who not only shows up but also steps
up, solving problems with creativity, kindness, and dedication. She is a blessing to everyone she comes
in contact with, including our Members, visitors to campus and employees.” – Carri Matheson, Director of
Member Services

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