Long Term Care

Trinity Woods offers three different Households for long term care on campus – Buehler Place, Chapman Heights and Priddy Harbor. Each of these Households accommodates up to 16 community members who enjoy their own living, dining, outdoor and atrium spaces. Each Household has a team of versatile, skilled staff members serving only in that Household. They create meaningful relationships with Household Members.

Through these relationships, the individuals who live in the Household and the persons who work there come together to make all of the day-to-day decisions for the Household. In this way, care can be personalized in ways that it never could have before. Meals are no longer scheduled as controlled tasks. Meals are inviting social events occurring whenever people are hungry.

Caregivers focus on only the 16 community members who live in the that Household. The relationships between community members and caregivers allow the individual’s wants and needs to be anticipated. A Household is a place where individuals continue to be the people they were before they moved in, and where true human caring is both given and received.

The Healthcare Households offer both private or semi-private accommodations, affording privacy and comfort. The exclusive shared accommodations are designed with a full floor-to-ceiling wall that separates each member’s living space, rather than partial dividers or curtains, which are typical.

We encourage Members to make their bedrooms feel like their own homes with personal items and decorations. Members can always look their best, too, with the on-site Tranquility Wellness Spa available for haircare services, manicures and pedicures and massages.

Naturally, families are encouraged to visit and even take loved ones off-campus if they are able. Visiting hours are open and depend on the needs of each community member. Families may dine with their loved one in the dining room or in a private area. If a condition warrants, a family member may spend the night. Pets may also visit.

Household community members enjoy special programs and holiday celebrations and participate in a full calendar of events and programming. Our residents are consulted and constantly are involved in planning for entertainment, exercise classes, movies and guest speakers. The Chaplain conducts Bible studies and weekly devotions.

Long Term Memory Care: Cobb Landing

The Cobb Landing Household specializes in caring for those individuals in the late phases of living with Dementia. The Household can accommodate up to 14 community members. While many things in this Household resemble the daily life in the other three long-term care Households, Cobb Landing is a secure environment. The Household Manager and caregiving team have added training on interacting and supporting those living with Dementia. With a slightly higher staffing ratio, this helps in providing more one-on-one interactions between community members and caregivers.

Trinity Woods Alzheimer’s Disclosure Form

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