Spring Fling

By Lupina Fry, Wellness Nurse

When the weather thaws, plants begin to book and the days get longer, its Springtime, and nothing makes you feel better than being outdoors. We shouldn’t take the power of Spring for granted. While we enjoy more daylight, blooming flowers, budding trees, and the breeze on our skin after being covered for
so long, we should also consider how vital those things are to our basic needs as humans.

Perhaps rather than New Year’s resolutions, it would be best to initiate change in the Springtime when activity lures us outdoors and into the sunshine. A study in Brisbane, Australia, looked at urbanization as one of the most important health crisis issues of the 21st century, with cities becoming epicenters for chronic, non-communicable physical and mental health conditions. There is a growing recognition of the vital importance urban green spaces play in addressing public health.

Being outdoors regularly, an average of 30 minutes, can help reduce blood pressure, lower mortality from cardiovascular disease, improve perceived general health and mental well-being, decrease stress, and promote positive health behavior and activities, and it leads to less depression and loneliness.

At Trinity Woods, we are blessed to enjoy many beautiful, inviting green spaces around us. They are easily accessible by all; spaces that entice us outdoors in the Spring. As Alison McMillan, Wellness Manager, reminds us, “There are so many great ways to head outdoors and take advantage of the gorgeous weather.”

Maybe, you’ll find a trail or neighborhood sidewalk, soak up some Vitamin D, increase circulation, and reset your natural circadian rhythm in the sunlight. Consider planting an outdoor garden. It’s not only satisfying physically to dig in the dirt, pull weeds and prune flowers or vegetables, it’s satisfying to the mind and soul to connect with nature.

There are many ways to get outside and enjoy the Springtime weather. One of those ways is to join us outdoors for Spring Fling on Friday, June 2nd. Get together with friends, enjoy good food, maybe compete in a shuffleboard tournament, or just relax and listen to music from Tim Swanson. Join us outdoors! It’s sure to make everyone feel great about being alive!

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